Chapter 29

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**5 years later**

"Good morning Evelyn." Wyatt said as my eyes fluttered open to see the still beautiful boy lying in front of me.

"Good morning Wyatt." I smiled back at him and kissed his lips.

I heard a loud cry and quickly sat up.

"I got her." Wyatt stood up walking out of our room.

A couple minutes later Wyatt walked back in holding our beautiful baby girl, Charlotte or Charlie.

Wyatt sat next to me and gave me a cheeky grin.

"What?" I asked smiling back at him.

"Charlie has something for you." He handed me our month old baby and I looked at her. My eyes scanned her until I found a beautiful diamond ring on her left ring finger.

My mouth dropped and I gasped.

"Evelyn Brooke Soraia, will you marry me?" He asked taking the ring off of her finger.

I smile and nodded, not being able to get the words out.

He placed the ring on my finger and kissed me.

Tyler had left me so Wyatt could come into my life. I was 21 and in college, barely making any money, but I was sure I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Wyatt. I loved him. And he loved me. :)

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