Chapter 22

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As soon as we got to Eve’s house I picked the still sleeping, Eve up into my arms. She instantly wrapped her arms around my neck. She was easy to carry since she was short and thin.

    Amanda opened Eve’s front door for me and I carried her up the stairs and into her bed.

    “How does she sleep through all of that?” I asked pulling the covers over Eve and sitting down next to her.

    “I have no clue, but whenever she cries she passes out completely. Most of the time she’s a really light sleeper.” Amanda said sitting on Eve’s bean bag chair.

    I wiped a couple strands out of the beautiful sleeping girl’s face and her hand clinged on to my arm. I smiled at how adorable she was. Then I frowned because I knew she was having a nightmare by the way her eyes twitched and lips were parted.

    “You don’t have to stay here if you don’t want to. I can watch Eve and you can go back to the party.” Amanda said.

    “No, I want to stay. There’s only bitches at that party anyway.” I said thinking of the people who made my girlfriend cry.

~~Eve’s P.o.v~~

    My eyes fluttered open and I saw a sleeping Wyatt lying next to me. Our fingers were wrapped up together. I slowly sat up realizing I was still in my party dress. I carefully removed my hand from Wyatt’s and got out of bed to put on pajamas.

I picked out a baggy sweatshirt and some yoga pants, then put my hair in a messy bun. It was only ten o’clock, but I was pooped from the previous events at the party. I walked downstairs and saw Amanda eating a pickle and watching The Notebook.

“Hey sleeping beauty.” She winked at me when she saw me.

I took a seat next to her and crawled under the blanket she was in. “What happened while I was sleeping?” I asked.

“Nothing really. Wyatt and I just watched you sleep and we chatted a little.” She said.

“You know you guys didn’t have to stay.” I said taking a bite of her pickle.

“I know, but Wyatt wanted to, and I just wanted to make sure he didn’t rape you in your sleep.” Amanda said winking at me.

I laughed and said, “I’m pretty sure he isn’t gonna rape me in my sleep.”

“I know. Because I’m here.” She smiled at me. Then added, “You know he really likes you, Eve.”

“How do you know?” I asked.

“I can tell by how he looks at you when you sleep. And I don’t know any guy that would carry a girl out from a party crying. He didn’t let you drink because he knew you would turn into a slut and regret it. And what guy doesn’t want his girlfriend to act slutty around him?” She asked.

I smiled. I knew it was true. I couldn’t figure out why he liked me so much or why he put up with me. But he did.

I walked into my room after Amanda and I finished watching the Notebook and she went home.

Wyatt’s eyes opened as I crawled into the bed next to him. “Hey beautiful. How are you feeling?” He said in a really tired voice. One thing was for sure, a guy’s tired voice was the sexiest thing ever.

“Better.” I smiled at him.

“Good.” He wrapped me in his arms and started rubbing my tense back.

I pecked his soft lips and whispered, “Goodnight.” As I past out again.

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