Chapter 19

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I sat down on my bed. Holy shit. Did Wyatt just say everything he just said? Or was I just dreaming. How the fuck was I still in love with Tyler? I know he's a dick. I know he's cheating. I know he doesn't care about me. So why was he the one I want.

I plugged in my earbuds and laid down on my bed. I clicked shuffle and the song Suicide by Rihanna came on. That explained my situation perfectly. I closed my eye's and let the music soak in my brain.

Everywhere is still

everything is restless in my heart

I hate the way this feels

suddenly i'm scared to be apart

the days are dark when you're not around

the air is getting hard to breathe

I wish that you would just put me down

I wish that I could go to sleep

loving you is suicide

I don't know should go or should i stay

I'm tryna keep myself alive

knowing there's a chance it's all too late

but i heard you say you love me

that's the part I can't forget

and I wish that you come save me

cause I'm standing over the edge.

I shot up out of bed and got into my car to drive to Tyler's house. I wasn't gonna put up with his bullshit. Wyatt was right. I do deserve so much better. It took me about 15 minutes to get to his house. I didn't even knock I just walked in.

"Eve!!!!" Tyler's little sister Taylor yelled as soon as she saw me.

"Hey, Taylor." I smiled at her. She was such a sweet girl and I think she likes me more than Tyler. "Is Tyler here?"

"Yeah, he's in his room." Taylor said. "Carson is here though." She made a puking face and I laughed.

"Thanks Taylor." I smiled and hugged her. She was three years younger than me and stil my height.

I walked up the stairs and into Tyler's room. Of course. He was on the bed, making out with Carson.

"Um, hey Eve. What are you doing here?" Tyler asked.

"You need to make a decision right now. I'm not gonna put up with this shit. I'm stronger than that. You can either have Carson or me, but you can't have both." I said.

Carson rolled her eyes and Tyler stayed silent.

"I'm not gonna lie, it's gonna hurt if you choose her, but it's just gonna hurt me even more if you have both of us. I know I'm not as slutty and 'hot' as Carson, but I will listen to you and I will be a real girlfriend. But I'm not gonna put up with this shit." I said.

"Pick Eve!" Taylor said from outside of Tyler's room.

"Taylor! Get out!" Tyler yelled.

"You never let me do anything. God." Taylor said walking back into her room. I laughed at how innocent she was.

"Me or her." I said.

"She's just gonna boss you around and be a bitch again." Carson said.

"She's not gonna listen to you. She's not gonna care about you." I said glaring at Carson.

"I don't know." Tyler said.

"Then just choose her. Because if you have to think about it then I'm not your number one choice. And that's what I deserve." I turned around as tears fell out of my eyes.

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