Chapter 28

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    A week had past since Carson and I had gotten into a fight. Saylor still wasn’t a part of our group. She was too self involved. I hoped she would find herself and return to normal soon, but I honestly didn’t think that would happen. My mom forgave me for my wrongdoings and gave me back my privileges. Wyatt and I hung out almost every night and I honestly didn’t get sick of him. We would get into a couple small fights once in awhile, but we would make up and work it out soon after.

My life was finally going back to normal. I was happy again. My heart was now only bruised, not broken.

“You are gorgeous, you know that right?” Wyatt asked looking into my eyes.

I blushed and said, “You’re a liar, you know that right?”

I looked into his beautiful blue eyes and leaned in pecking his lips.

“What the rush?” He asked pulling me back to him and pressing his lips on mine. He swept the hair out of my face and pushing me down on my bed. Wyatt and I hadn’t had many make out sessions, we kissed a lot, but not made out.

His tongue slid into my mouth and I allowed it too. I wrapped my arms around my boyfriend’s neck and he slid his down to my hips, his heavy body lying on top of me.

We continued to such eachother’s face for a while, but then I pulled back and asked, “Why haven’t you asked to have sex with me yet?”

His face was in shock at my sudden question. He licked his lips and thought for a moment before saying, “Because I respect you. I’m not like Tyler and that one college dude you hooked up with. I’m in this relationship because I love you Eve. Not because I want to use you.” He pecked my lips then sat up.

He took my hand pulling me into his lap. I took in the words he said then smiled at him wrapping my arms around his neck again.

“Thanks for saving me.”


    I walked into the store and found my way to the back of the store where the ice cream was. Wyatt had already gone home for super. My period hit hard today and I was in the need of a romance movie marathon and junk food. Amanda was going to finish her super then meet me at my house to indulge in ice cream with me.

    I pulled open the freezer door reaching for a box of Kemps vanilla ice cream when a large hand reached over me.

    “Here you go.” A deep voice said.

    I turned around to face the man that got the ice cream for me. Jason.

    “Thanks.” I mumbled taking the ice cream and looking down. I was scared of him. He took something from me that could never be returned.

    “How have you been, sexy?” He asked winking at me.

    “Don’t call me that.” I weekley said.

    “Come on Eve. I thought we had something.” He looked down at me, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear.

    “No, we don’t.” I pushed passed him in rage. How could he do this to me? Show up and tear me down?

    “Where are you going, babe?” He seductively said grabbing my arm. I felt chills go up my spine before I heard him say, “You were so inexperienced in bed. It made you even hotter.” His breath was hot on my face as I clutched the ice cream.

    “I have to go, my boyfriend is waiting for me.” I lied hoping he would leave me alone.

    “Your boyfriend? Who are you dating?” He asked with anger and his grip tightened around my arm.

    “Wyatt.” I barely managed to get it out.

    “Tyler was right about you. You’re a tease. You’re just a slut Eve.” He let go of my arm making me stumble a little. Then he walked away like nothing happened.

    I quickly purchased my ice cream and ran to my car. I sat there in the parking lot as silent tears fell down my face.

    I could never take away the memories of what I did with Jason that night at the party.

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