Chapter 13

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As soon as the bell rang I jumped out of my seat and walked to my car. I needed to buy a new college level dress and put on some heavy make up. It was a little strange that someone was having a party on a Wednesday, but it’s college. They always party.

    “Hey Eve. Ready to go?” Wyatt said walking up to me.

    “Um yeah, about that. I’m really not feeling very well. I think I should just head home.” I said making up an excuse.

    “Oh, what’s wrong?” Do you need me to drive you home? I can stay with you if you want?” He asked.

    “It’s nothing, I just need some extra sleep. And alone time. Thanks though. Maybe tomorrow?” I said walking away really fast so he couldn’t respond. Wyatt had a way with his blue eyes and getting people to do anything. He was sweet and I felt bad for lying to him, but I think I’m more important than him.

    I was at Deb looking for a skimpy party dress and instantly found a white strapless sparkly dress. This was the perfect dress to get Tyler back. It made me look sexy and showed off my curves. Thankfully it was on sale for $20. I also found a pair of black heels with bow clips on the tops for $50. I obviously didn’t have $70 on me, so I charged it to my emergency debit card. I hid the dress and shoes in the back of my car so I could tell my mom I was going over to Wyatt’s to talk to Tyson.

    By the time I did my makeup and hair it was 6:15. Of course. Tyler was late. I texted him and told him to meet me around the block so my mom wouldn’t recognise his car.

    I slipped on my sweatshirt over my dress and rolled up my dress a little so I could put baggy sweatpants over them. It was so short though, I barely had to roll it up. I stuck my heels in my purse and put on some ugg boots.

    Tyler then texted me to let me know he was waiting.

    “Bye mom!” I called out and left the house walking around the block.

    As soon as I got into Tyler’s car he said, “What are you wearing? This is a college party.”

    “Relax. It’s cover up. Do you really think my mom would let me leave the house in this?” I asked taking off my sweatshirt and sweatpants.

    “Damn! Now that’s what I’m talking about!” Tyler winked at me as I slipped my heels on. “Alright now we gotta go pick up Saylor and Carson.”

    “You invited Carson?” I asked.

    “Hey, my friend wanted some hot high schoolers. And the only way Saylor was gonna come was if you came.” Tyler shrugged.

    Great. He didn’t even want me here. He only wanted Saylor and Carson. Of fucking course. But he was about to see what he was missing. And he was gonna be sorry.

    As soon as we picked up Saylor and Carson we started heading an hour North to his friends college.

    Of course Tyler was flirting with Carson the entire time and she was flirting back. Me and Saylor sat in the back of the car talking about random girl stuff. I already regretted ditching Wyatt.

    When we got to the house it was 7:30 and I was already tired.

Music was blaring and people were crowded inside the house. College guys were everywhere. Some of them were really hot. But most of them were just desperate to get into girls pants.

    “Tyler!” A guy yelled and walked up to us. “I see you brought friends.” He looked at us, but mostly me.

    “Hey this is Jason. And this is Saylor, Carson, and Eve.” Tyler said.

    “Well don’t be rude, get your lady friends a drink!” Jason yelled over the loud music.

    I have never taken a sip of alcohol before and I even didn’t like when Tyler drank when we were dating. Saylor and Carson though were more on the bad said. They always got drunk when they had the chance.

    “Good luck getting Eve to drink.” Tyler laughed.

    “Actually I would love one.” I said surprising everyone, including myself.

    “Here let me show you where they are.” Jason winked at me, clearly wanting to get me away from the others. He put his arm around my shoulder and led me away from the group. “I like your dress, Eve.” He smiled.

    “Thanks.” I half smiled back. I knew I could make Tyler jealous by going after one of his friends.

    “How come I haven’t seen you around any of these parties before?” He asked.

    “I don’t know. I guess Tyler never took me to parties before.” I said.

    “Oh, so you’re with Tyler?” He asked.

    “Not anymore.” I half mumbled.

    “But when you were, you were okay with him coming to these parties with Carson?” Jason asked.

    “He came to these parties with Carson?” I asked. He told me that he would only go if I would go with him. Since I didn’t drink before, I never went to any.

    “Yeah since last month.” He said.

    I took a huge drink of my beer and smiled at Jason. “Well isn’t that just great?” This wasn’t about getting him back. Now it was about revenge.

    “Do you wanna dance?” I asked Jason

    “Sure.” He smiled down at me. Even with my heels Jason was at least five inches taller then me. He obviously worked out. He was a cute guy. Not my type really, but good enough for revenge.

    When Jason and I danced, I made sure Tyler saw me grind on him. And of course I slipped some intimate kisses in there.

    An hour later I was drunk. I only had two and half beers, but my system wasn’t use to the alcohol. Carson was flirting with other college guys and Saylor was somewhere. While Tyler was flirting and grinding with girls I knew he wanted me.

    I walked up to Tyler and whispered in his ear, “You could’ve had this. Instead you have nothing.” Then pressed a kiss on his lips and walked back to Jason.

    “Eve, I think you should lay down.” He slid his hand on my butt.

    I wrapped my arms around his neck and said, “Whatever you want, you can have.” Then kissed him hard. I was so drunk I was barely aware of what I was doing. I felt his hand squeeze my butt, then he pulled me upstairs and into a room.

    Then it happened so fast I barely had time to react.

    First. It was easy. We just made out on the bed.

    Then he started taking off my dress. And I didn’t stop him. In fact I even took off his clothes.

    He didn’t put on a condom. And I didn’t object at all. He just had sex with me. He realized right away that it was my first time when I started crying. But he didn’t stop. I didn’t want him too.

    Fifteen minutes later I was alone in the room and he moved on to the next girl. Why did I just do that?

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