Chapter 2

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     The next day I woke up with my face all wet with tears. I tried to stop the tears from rolling down my face, but I couldn’t/ I even cried through the night, I was tempted to stay home, but I really needed the comfort of my friends. I didn’t feel like trying today, so I just threw on sweats and put my hair in a bun.

    “You look like crap!” Saylor said when I got to school.

    “Thanks Saylor. Nice to know you’re here for me.” I said trying to hold back my tears.

    “I’m sorry.” Saylor said and hugged me.

    Amanda’s eyes got really wide and Saylor’s arms tightened around my body.

    “What?” I asked trying to turn around to see what they were gawking at, but Saylor wouldn’t let me.

    “Nothing. Isn’t this hug great?” Saylor asked

I pushed Saylor off of me and turned around to see Tyler walking in with Carson.

“Of course.” I said as tears formed in my eyes.

“Oh no. This bitch is going down!” Amanda yelled walking up to them. Saylor and I followed her to Tyler and Carson.

“What the hell?1” Amanda yelled.

“What?” Tyler asked.

“You dropped the most beautiful girl in the world for this nasty skank? Like seriously bro? You need to reevaluate your priorities! Eve was willing to do almost anything for you! Seriously, you fucked up! Big time!” Amanda screamed. “And Carson! I thought you were Eve’s friend! How could you do this to her? The day after they break up? I knew there was a reason I didn’t like you.” Amanda walked away leaving the both speechless. Tears fell down my face as Saylor and Amanda pulled me away from them. I couldn’t even talk I was crying so hard.

“Wanna go get some coffee instead of going to class?” Saylor asked.

I nodded and we walked to Saylor’s car.

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