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"urgh i'm scared as fuck" heeseung finally confesses after bottling it all up while driving over to school. the past week they've been talking to police a lot, showing them the evidence and telling them what happened. today is finally the day where they'll get yeonjun and lock him up.

"it's really all going to be okay, we're with the police now" jake says and in reality it looks a little bit weird. the police has offered them a ride to school but it looks like they're the ones that are going to be locked up.

"he'll get locked up for sure, we have the evidence, we have the police on our side, he'll be the one to get expelled and not you heeseung" danielle says with a reassuring smile and the two boys immediately calm down by her words. soon after that they arrive at school and of course all eyes fall down on the vehicle coming in.

the three of them get out of the car and immediately people start to whisper. heeseung especially tries to shake it off and then they follow one of the police officers into the building. mr.seo gets over to them with a worried look and frowns when he sees heeseung.

"hello officer, is there something going on?" and you can clearly hear the worry in his voice.

"yes, i'm searching for a boy named choi yeonjun"

"o-oh? uhm well he's on the sport field now so..." mr.seo stops talking as they all pass him to get over to the sport field. with so many questions in his head he just silently follows them to see what will happen. they enter the sports field and the coach immediately makes the boys stop.

"is there something i can do officer?" the coach asks and the police officer takes a step closer to only talk to him. on the other hand yeonjun gathers around his friends and starts whispering to them.

"why the fuck are they all here??! i swear to god if she told them i'll-" yeonjun gets interrupted as he hears someone clear his throat behind him. he slowly turns around and gulps as he sees the officer. "he-hello officer"

"are you choi yeonjun?" and yeonjun slowly nods. "and are you all choi soobin, kang taehyun, choi beomgyu and huening kai?" and the boys all nod too. "then i'll have to arrest you all"

"haha what?? you can't be serious. what the fuck did i do?!" yeonjun yells out because he does not want to end up in jail and this was so not the plan. two other officers get over to them and start to hand cuff them. "no!! no you can't do this!! my parents won't like that!!"

"then you should've never done what you did to these innocent people." the officer says and they start walking back, students filming everything that is happening.

"ow come on!! heeseung!! i did nothing!! jake i did nothing right?? haha, danielle... i did nothing right??!!!!" yeonjun says in full on panic mode, trying his absolute best to not get caught.

"just stop it yeonjun... you're caught and you can't turn back time" heeseung says as calm as he can because if eyes could kill then he would've been dead by yeonjun.

"fuck you all!! fuck you for ruining my life!!" yeonjun screams out but luckily they're now entering the building again. heeseung sighs and takes jake and danielle in a hug, soon after that mr.seo getting over to them.

"heeseung, care to explain" mr.seo says and heeseung lets the others go. he suggests to talk to mr.seo in his office because it's a lot of information. he'll hopefully also not be expelled anymore.

𝗱𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝗯𝗲 𝗶𝗻𝘃𝗼𝗹𝘃𝗲𝗱 • 𝗵𝗲𝗲𝗷𝗮𝗸𝗲Where stories live. Discover now