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as jake and heeseung are just cuddling on bed the doorbel suddenly rings. jake gets out of bed and goes over to the door, opening it and being surprised as he sees danielle.

"danielle...?" jake asks with worry because it seems like she's been crying before this. danielle gulps and hesitates a bit before talking.

"can i come in...? there's something..." she softly says and jake lets her go inside. out of curiosity heeseung also gets out of bed and quietly walks over to the living room, danielle seeing him what makes her more satisfied. "hey heeseung, i'm glad you're here too"

"mhm, is there something?" heeseung asks and he can now also see the dried up tears on her cheeks. she sits down on the couch and both boys sit next to her.

"i uhm... gosh i don't wanna cry again but that y-yeonjun guy came in today at the lab... he came in to check i-if we deleted all the dna r-results.... i-i told him we d-did but i lied, it's on a usb s-stick that i have with me now... on the day when y-you came in he also came t-to the lab... just at the right moment w-when i was there... he threatened me... he told me t-to say that the dna isn't a match i-if you would do a dna test, i was so selfish b-because i saw what he did to you and sunoo... i k-kept it a secret but i can't take it anymore, he's a t-threat to all of us and the police should know a-about him... i'm s-so sorry for lying jake... please forgive m-me..." danielle cries out and the two boys look at her with shock and tears in their eyes. jake takes a deep breath and takes her hand.

"i'm so glad that you're telling us right now... i understand that it was scary that he threatened you but it's indeed better that the police will know about this all, i forgive you danielle because you always helped us" jake says with a small smile and embraces her in a hug, her hugging back tightly. after some time they back away and danielle grabs the usb to give it to them. "thank you"

"i was s-so happy to see that the results matched b-but he came all of a sudden and i-it felt like my and your world was falling apart again but i h-hope i healed it again..."

"it's really okay, don't worry, let's all go to the police to let them know what yeonjun did" jake says and danielle nods. then he focuses on heeseung who seems to zone out a bit. "babes, you okay?"

"yeah i am... i'm just so in shock that one human being can be so cruel... it all started with just fights at school and now people are hurt and being threatened..." heeseung softly says and the guilt starts to build up again.

"as i said many times it's not your fault, we're now in this together and we have a lot people around us that support us and can go against him"

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