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heeseung has been in jake's apartment for about 4 hours now and it feels like the time is going so slow. it's late in the evening now and there's still no sign of jake. he's just watching some tv but he can feel himself slowly falling asleep. right at the moment he's almost asleep he hears the door open. without any thoughts he jumps up from the couch and looks over at jake who just came home.

"heeseung...?" jake says confused, his phone died so he hasn't read any of heeseung's messages. heeseung just attacks jake in a big hug and of course jake hugs him back. they've been missing each other so much that this is definitely making both of them so happy. "gosh why are you here?"

"i just missed you so and i predicted you would come" heeseung says and backs away a bit to look into jake's eyes. a smile appears on both their faces and heeseung runs his hand through jake's hair. "you're so handsome"

"even after my shift?" jake says with a smile and heeseung nods, both looking into each other's eyes. without any thoughts heeseung kisses jake and of course jake kisses him back. jake trails his hands down to heeseung's legs and picks him up, the other wrapping his legs around his waist. he starts walking over to the couch and sits down so that heeseung is on top of him. "i missed your kisses"

heeseung smiles and starts giving kisses all over jake's face, getting butterflies in his stomach. jake slowly reaches under heeseung's shirt and places his hand on his waist, making heeseung arch his back a bit. he backs away a bit and looks into jake's eyes.

"i'm ready..." heeseung whispers and jake nods slowly, then connecting their lips again but now in a deep and tender kiss. he fully wraps his arm around heeseung's waist and switches places with heeseung but then just letting him lay down. heeseung grabs onto jake's hair, deepening the kiss even more. "a-are we really s-staying here...?"

before heeseung knows jake drags him over to the bedroom, pushing him onto the bed. jake takes off his shirt and gets on top of heeseung who is looking at him with a slight hesitant look. jake slowly takes heeseung's shirt off and cups his face.

"it's totally fine if you actually don't wanna do it"

"someone needs to be my first..." heeseung leans in. "and i hope you're my only one" and kisses jake again.

𝗱𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝗯𝗲 𝗶𝗻𝘃𝗼𝗹𝘃𝗲𝗱 • 𝗵𝗲𝗲𝗷𝗮𝗸𝗲Where stories live. Discover now