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partner in crime

sunoo so the rumour
is really true huh?

heeseung that i'm expelled...?

sunoo yeah

heeseung it is

sunoo you don't deserve it.
you know it, we know it,
the world knows it.

heeseung yeah but
i'm powerless in this

sunoo but you need to keep
on fighting for it!! don't let
yeonjun get away with it!

heeseung but i have
nothing to fight for

sunoo you're fighting
for us. for yourself.

heeseung i still have
no evidence....

sunoo then we'll do our
best to find more evidence!!!
i can't handle the fact that a
kidnapper is still walking
around school and that an
innocent person like you
is being expelled.

heeseung it is what it is...

sunoo heeseung no, you're
way stronger than this, i'm
not saying you can't show
emotions but you need to
find the strength in them
to make yourself stronger

heeseung gosh you're
gonna make me cry again

sunoo then cry, show these
strong emotions. you're way
more powerful than those jocks
who are faking it all the way,
they're just insecure boys who
think they're everything

heeseung you're really the
best friend i've ever had

sunoo you too hee, we've been
through a lot and we'll get
through this too, plus we
have more people around
us so remember that

heeseung i will, thank
you so much sunoo

heeseung no problem hee,
let's meet up soon pls

heeseung mhmm deal

𝗱𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝗯𝗲 𝗶𝗻𝘃𝗼𝗹𝘃𝗲𝗱 • 𝗵𝗲𝗲𝗷𝗮𝗸𝗲Where stories live. Discover now