The first Target

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Prerna was leaning on her balcony. Once the whole world was against her but now her family is with her ofcourse expect Shivani. She is adored by her in-laws, her husband takes care of her choices. Her sister in law respects her like her own brother and sweet angel like Kukki who loves her like real mother what else a girl wants in life. She remembered conversation before some time with Tanvi. Tanvi was sweet girl and most importantly mature and strong like her mother. There were no nasty comments on her class or manners like Nivedita or Tapur. Tanvi was a person who will give respect and expect same from person. She was eager to meet her in person.

The thought of Basus always disturbs her. From her comman friend she got to know that next week there will be Anurag's wedding. Before that she wanted to do big Kand so that She can wed in peace. Suddenly she remembered yesterday's conversation with Shivani that Tapur was partying with Raghav Kapoor. He was a play boy of college. In her last birth he also tried to harass her when she was fighting with Komolika. It's time to payback Dear Raghav and Tapur. But she doesn't want to do it alone especially her partner in crime and life is someone like Satan himself. She has heard this nickname in her office. Let's call him

Rishabh: hello darling. What a surprise! Was you missing me so much that you called me in middle of night and why are you not in bed. May be his words were polite but feeling of anger is there.

Prerna: Why are you this angry?

Rishabh: really Prerna.!!!My wife who is pregnant,who needs rest she isn't taking proper care even then I should not be angry 😡.

Prerna: Sorry Rishi. I was not able to sleep.

Rishabh:: Is everything ok? Is it paining somewhere? Should I come there? I will inform doctor to keep hospital and Ot open for you?

Prerna: Stop it. I'm okay. And what OT, are you mad!! I'm not in labour pain. It has lots of time.

Rishabh: I know that. Still I don't want to take any type of risk for you and Sneha. Understood lady!

Prerna: Ok fine you won. I wanted to tell you something and it is important.

Rishabh: and what is that which can't wait till morning. Let me guess

Prerna : No need to guess. It's Basus. Basu's second daughter Tapur is in love with Raghav Kapoor. She is the one who always oppose her mother and sister. She can be useful for us. She has so much attitude of being rich and bratty.

Rishabh: Don't worry about her. Basus have so much fond of insulting people and their daughters na let's give them taste of their own medicine. Just watch tomorrow's newspaper darling. The trailer of this ruin you can watch live on tv tomorrow.

Prerna: thank you so much Rishi. I don't know what I will do without you

Rishabh: no need to thank. I don't know Prerna What is happening with me! I never thought of marriage with anyone. I always was loner. When I was in college I have decided not to marry then Maya happened in life and my belief got solid and strong. I don't know why I couldn't connect with her! But It was impossible. But with you I want to try everything. I want to marry you. I can't see you with other man nor I can love you. But please Prerna be there for me baby. I need you in my life, in kukki's life. I just can't explain it what is happening with me.

For long time it was silence on phone. The snoring voice confirmed that our would be Mrs Bajaj asleep.

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