Way to party

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The whole venue was lavishly decorated as if all the wealth of Kolkata was flowing here itself. Many so called gentlemen was escorting their dates into hall like they are most loved treasure in their life but reality is more different than it shows. Almost all businessmen of Kolkata were there. After all this was golden opportunity to showcase their skills. Ladies were discussing latest fashion and men asusual business. 

After some time one big car entered inside the premise of PARTY HALL. All reporters got busy to click next celebrity businessman. but it were the most beloved family of Basus. Every reporter was eagar to take bite of them. One famous reporter came forward and asked permission to take bite from them.

Reporter: good evening Mrs. Basu. How are you?

Mohini: hello everyone. We are fine. I hope you are also good. 

Reporter: Yes mam. Can I ask you some questions if you permit?

Mohini: of course. But before that let me introduce my children. This is my daughter Nivedita and my son Anurag. I know you all know about them but now a new person is going to add in our family. This is my would be daughter komolika chaubey. Anurag's would be wife.

Reporter: Great mam. We are very lucky to witness two fairies at same time. Welcome mam. Now how do you feel about the decision taken by members of board about giving presidency to outsider? 

Mohini: ohh! Come on Our president is not outsider. Just because you guys didn't have information about him doesn't make him outsider. I knew he will be good leader for this association.

Reporter: What about you mr.basu? Are you happy with associations decision? If not Mr. Bajaj you were second option for it.

Anurag: of course I'mhappy. I'm very young for that position. And Basus are not any option. They are the only choice. Thank you. Now we should leave.

Reporter: Thank you for your valuable time. Now the only person we are waiting for this the star of today's party mr. President. He is not here till now. May be our wait will bring us lots of surprises.

Bajaj infragaint, Kolkata 

Mehra: Bajaj. Are you ready? We have to leave for party.

Bajaj: What is the hurry Mehra. Just relax. First look at the show atleast. 

Mehra : from when you started to watch this crap? Ohh! Basus interview. 

Both of them started to watch interview on channel.

Mehra: I must say Mohini Basu is one of the great actress I ever seen. Look at her she is defending you and your position like she is the most happiest person on earth. And what a attitude mr. Basu has! 

Bajaj: don't worry Mehra. Soon their distruction will hit them. Let's see how they can survive this storm. Let's go. 

In the car

Mehra: can I ask u something?

Bajaj: you are taking permission means you are asking something personal. Ask Mehra

Mehra: do u really think that Anurag basu will not do anything to stop your wedding with Miss Sharma?

Bajaj: he will not do anything. 

Mehra: how can you be so sure about it?

Bajaj: do you remember some months before I asked some men to keep watch on Basus. 

Mehra: Yes. I remember. But what about Miss. Sharma. Anurag was also keeping watch on miss. Sharma. 

Bajaj: nowadays His men are reporting to Komolika. And komolika will never tell about Prerna's marriage to Anurag. Anurag thinks that they are loyal to him, but miss. Chaubey thinks they are loyal to her but in real they are my men. They gave only that information which I asked them to give 

Mehra: means you bought them for higher price? 

Bajaj: no. I asked them to approach that foolish Basu boy and after that rest you know.

Mehra: God! Bajaj you are TRUE devil.

Suddenly Rishabh's phone rang.

Bajaj: Hello. My sweetheart 💕 

Prerna: do hell with your hello. Where are u now?. You promised me that you will come to meet me before Mehndi?

Bajaj : relax sweetheart. Why are becoming angry bird! I will come by 9. OK. Tell me one thing is your nose becoming Red? 

Prerna : What!! Am I some kind of parrot that my nose will become red!!

Bajaj: I know baby. You are not parrot. You are angry bird like kukki's game bird.

Prerna : mr. Rishabh Bajaj. U just wait. After marriage I will show you how this angry bird bites you

Bajaj: I don't mind. You have every right to bite me. And believe me it will be fun.

Prerna: you are impossible. Bye.

Bajaj: bye sweetheart 😘. And don't forget about that bite.

Mehra: Bajaj I think you are suffering from personality disorder. 

Bajaj: shut up Mehra. 

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