Rishbh in Prerna's house

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ena: Damadji, why are you staring at her please have it

Bajaj: off course.

Veena: why don't you call your family for today's dinner. All can meet together and decide about other things.

Bajaj: of course I will call them here.

Veena: sure. Suman you and Shivani go to the market and bring all required ingredients.

Shivani: I'm not going anywhere.

Veena: what is with that behavior of yours shivi Prerna's in laws are coming to finalize everything. As her sister don't you have any responsibility?

Shivani: Why can't you understand maa. Di loves Anurag. She is just angry that is why she is marring Mr. Bajaj. After some time she will realize her mistake. Till then pls Ma stop this wedding.

Suman: are you mad Shivani, after so many day happiness is knocking on our door and you are trying to drive it away.

Veena: Shivi can't you understand simple thing. Prerna is trying to move on. As her sister it is your duty to support her not to push her towards her past.

Suddenly Rishbh entered inside kitchen.

Rishbh: You are right Maji. I know prerna is still hurt. And I promise you she will be fine. And Shivani please atleast think about your sister. It's her life and she has every right to stay happy and with Basus she will get only pain.

Shivani: Pain is another name of love Mr. Bajaj. But you can't understand it. You are not in love with my di nor she is.

Rishbh: You are wrong Shivani. Love gives pain but if you have your partner with you it get bearable but here Anurag himself is pain. Life can't go only with love.life need trust, commitment, care, respect. I am going to provide everything to Prena. So I am requesting you pls try to understand your sister atleast.

By saying this Bajaj went away.

Prerna: Mr. Bajaj are you going to office?

Bajaj: Yes,but don't worry . I will come for dinner with family. Take care of yourself 😘 Bajaj kissed her forehead lovingly.

Prerna: don't worry Mr Bajaj. Take care of yourself too. And bring Kukki also

Bajaj: ok. Bye

Today is my first marriage anniversary. We have completed one year successful. This is my gift to everyone.

New life, New love and New RevengeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon