
1.5K 105 3

ABC Associate, Mumbai

Mr. Bajaj was signing paper after paper. As usual deal is theirs. Mr. Mehra was completing all formalities regarding deal.

Mr. Ahuja: So Mr. Bajaj. I hope this is done deal.

Bajaj : sure, Mr. Ahuja. You will get all the documents tomorrow morning. I hope it will be ok.

Mr. Ahuja : Yes Mr. Bajaj. How about party tonight? Let's celebrate our co-operation.

Bajaj: Ok. Lets meet tonight.

Mr. Ahuja: I will send you address and time and Mr. Mehra Please join us.

Bajaj : ok, we will be there.

Mr. Bajaj and Mehra left from office.

Mehra: lets go to hotel, change and let's go to the party.

Bajaj: I am not in mood to party.

Mehra : Are you missing some one? May be Kukki or her Angel?

Bajaj: shut up and drive fast.

Mehra: not good Bajaj. Someone is following our car. I should not have to listen you. You should not have deny security.

Bajaj: Drive fast. Don't look back.

Mehra: call the security Bajaj.

Bajaj: No use of this. It is late. Close the windows Mehra.

Suddenly some one fired bullet which hits Mr. Bajaj shoulder. Another bullet hits his chest.

Mehra : Bajaj, open your eyes. Relax, I am taking you to hospital. Don't loose conscience. Bajaj try to take a deep breath. We are almost there.

Bajaj : Promise me Mehra. You will save me. I have many works. I want to raise Kukki. I want to take revenge. I want to fullfil each and every desire of Masi and bhabisa. I have not confessed anything to Ms. Sharma. May in this life we are not fated.

Mehra: Don't talk like this Bajaj. Nothing will happen to you.

Mehra reached to nearest hospital.

Mehra : Doctor, doctor Emergency case . Please save him.

Doctor : what happened?

Mehra : He was shot. Two bullets.

Doctor : relax. Let me take him to operation theater. Please you complete formalities.

Mehra : Ok Doctor.please Doctor save him. Please

I need to inform Sharda Mam. Please God save him 🙏. He has so much to live, so much responsibilities. Kukki is his jaan. She can't live without him. Please save him.

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