The first strike

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The news was flashing in TV channels.

Drugs department raid in Basu factory.

Whole Kolkata was in shock. There was not a single police officer who can touch Basus then also somebody dare to raid their factory. Not only raid but he has given statement about it. Whole Basu clan was trying to undone damage of their reputation but Mohini was more interested to know about an officer who performed raid.

Mohini: Anu, Have you done what I asked for?

Nivi: pls Mom. Already we all are in tension. I don't know how can that officer raided our factory? We don't even know what they got from there?

Komolika enters

Komolika: why fear when Komolika is here! Did you forget my father is minister here. We will find out and suspend that officer within seconds. Let him see what is consequences to touch Komolika's would be in laws.

Mohini: thanks beta. You are our saving grace.

Where whole Basu clan was frustrated , two people were pleased.

First Prerna and next Mr. Rishbh Bajaj.

He was sitting in his office glupping his favorite drink smoking cigar. He was roaming his eyes on wedding ring catlogs one by one. Suddenly Mr. Mehra entered in cabin.

Rishbh: Why are you here Mehra? Is there any fire in office that you forget to knock before coming?

Mehra: sorry Bajaj. But my news is more important than anything.

Rishbh: what's that?

Mehra switched on the TV. Every news channel was showing same news.

Rishbh: What a good way to start a day. You made my day Mehra. Well done 👍

Mehra: thanks Rishbh. But I don't know how that person got such information. This was secret information any close person is leaking the details from Basu's side. We have been just lucky.

Rishbh: it is not luck it is karma . may be there is another one who is against the Basus. But we should be happy after all enemy's enemy is our friend. Let's see dear Basu family how you desolve this situation. Yesterday was my marriage's first function and someone has gifted me this news. God bless him. Mehra do one work. Let's go for lunch today.

Mehra: Bajaj from Many days There are calls from National business association. They want you to become their president. They're in need of some funds. If we help them they will support us in Kolkata.

Bajaj: Do you think we need support from anyone?

Mehra: no but it is good to have presidentship because of that we can easily influence public and media. And the most important thing is They are also considering Mr.Moloy Basu for this post if you said no.

Bajaj: Say yes from my side. I don't want any good thing happening with Basus. I will snatch everything from this presidental chair to Basu's sheild. My dear Prerna. She will be mine.

Mehra went from there.

Rishbh removed photograph from drawer. That was Prerna's photo.

Rishbh: did you see sweetie? You are my angel. They have made you cry but don't worry soon they are going to shead tears of blood. This is first step for every function you will get new news that is my promise to you.

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