Chapter 3 - The 'Freaky' Incident At Sakai Park

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Monday – April 2nd 2007

Wing Point Road, Bainbridge Island

Galen Drier wakes up, aching something fierce as he slowly slides over in bed with a low groan. It felt as if the bed sheets had fused to his burnt flesh, clinging onto his sore skin like a second layer of flesh.

He barely got any sleep last night after arriving home and jumping into the shower to wash off. It felt like he had just jumped into a lake of sulfuric acid as he did not know what to do! He had severe burns on his face, upper chest and down his back. All locations where the shower water had touched.

He would have gone to Seattle for professional help, but the closer that he was to the ocean, the worse that the voices in his head became! He was certain that a ferry ride across Puget Sound would end up with him leaping overboard.

He lays there in bed, his eyes moisten with the salty tears from a night of weeping from the agony that he was in.

The sound of the lapping waves against the rocky bulkhead banged into his skull as he covered his ears, screaming from the overstimulation. His animalistic-like screams shattered the glass in his bedroom window, startling him.

He looks at the shards of glass lying on the floor as the curtains blow in the breeze as he looks around for whatever might have blown out his window. He then noticed that his mirror was also cracked, his glass water cup, broken. His glass framed pictures shattered into pieces. Even his TV crystal display did not survive the soundwave.

He rapidly closes his mouth as he wasn't certain if 'he' had just done that!

'What is wrong with me?' he mentally cries out in anguish. The phone then rings as he reaches over and picks up his cellphone, trying not to cry.


"Good morning, Galen, I heard that you went to the medical center last night. I was just checking in to see if you are okay." said Mr. Larson, his boss, on the other end of the call.

"I'm not going to lie! I've been better! But I do not want this to jeopardize my position in the department!" he comments as he looks at the iridescent skin on the palm of his hand, stunned.

'Weird? I don't remember seeing this last night!'

"Don't worry!" Mr. Larson comments "Your job is still secure. Anyhow, I was just calling you this morning as I wanted to go over your findings at Gazzam Lake."

"Okay." he groans, trying to get up as the skin on his legs and arms seemed to be coated in a weird oily slime. "I can be at the office at 9am."

"Actually..." Linden Larson interrupts, "I've just received a call. Johnston is out sick, could you first swing over to Sakai Park and close the gate?"

"Sure thing." he replies as this job was more important than the injuries from showering and being exposed to some type of acid or radiation. Besides, it's harmless! That is what the doctor said.

"Thanks Galen! I owe you one!" Linden replies as they hang up and Galen faces the day as he stands up and walks over to the shattered mirror.

"Just great!" he sighs.

'At least I have work waiting for me at home!' He dials his contractor friend as he waits for him to pick him up.

"Hey Clarence, this is Galen."

[Hey Galen, long time no see. What can I do for you, man?]

"I had a window blowout this morning. Do you have time to replace it? I know it is sort of last minute."

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