Chapter 2 - Day 1 Of 14

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Monday – April 2nd 2007

I rested there as I felt the spell reshaping my body, my soul, and my mind as this would be the first time that I had been placed inside of a construct's body. The flood of 'other' memories filled my head to help me blend in, seamlessly with my new host family.

I see the images of my school: Bainbridge High...seems I live very close to this place...on Blue Heron Avenue.

The Larson's live three houses down the block, on Ihland Place...I can see their house, across the pond, from my bedroom window.

'Larson...' my mind considers as I see Arden's face inside my mind. His shiny jet-black hair, his well chiseled jaw, and his lovely olive-green eyes.

I see his happy family: Iris and Linden Larson, with Arden's older sister, Lily and younger brother, Ashton. I have been friends with the Larson's since the time when I was just in diapers. It is amazing how magic can do all of this!

0.2 miles to the east, on Ericksen Avenue, lives another friend of mine: Sam Mange and his father and mother: Drew and Anna Mange. Sam is a hefty Irish boy with the reddest of red hair that I have ever seen! His eyesight wasn't that good, so he wears thick-trimmed glasses because he has a habit of being beaten up at school and having them broken.

'These are my friends?' I ponder. 'Beggars can't be choosers, I suppose!'

And, what about me? What about my family?

Why would the Aos Si put me in a family that was as dysfunctional as I am now remembering!? Dad works at the family restaurant, and mom was a stay-at-home woman who came from a wealthy family, but does not share any of the inheritance to neither dad nor I.

'That's right!' I remembered 'Kai is her only son! Not me.'

Dad came along and married her so he would not be alone after his previous wife had passed away from cancer. He now runs the family business called: Sakai Japanese Restaurant. And yet, neither he nor I were Japanese, we were of English descent. Only mom and Kai were Japanese, so why were they not running the business?

'I don't understand.' I ponder as I then remembered dad's own face.

His eyes were a creamy hazel and his shaggy hair was as brown as rich earth. He was quite tall and thin, without many muscles to speak of! Pushing around six-two to my measly five-six.

And mom, well she certainly looked Asian from my memories. She had lovely slanted brown eyes, black hair as straight as an arrow, and an olive tone to her flawless skin...probably descended from one of the southern islands, like Kyushu. he was quite unique in Heines fifty-seven. He had a dominate Asian appearance, thanks to his mother. However, he also seemed to have something like Dutch that made him a giant, standing at six-nine!

'But...what about me? Do I dare look at myself?'

I kept waiting for my bravery to return as I finally snuck a quick peek as I opened my silvery-hazel eyes and noticed that I was not where I should be! Long gone was my lovely Aos Si family, my best friend, and my own beautiful female body...I somehow have been transplanted into a new surrounding...

'Fourteen days!' I then remembered.


I was quietly sitting at the dining room table, fully dressed for the day, as I had a hefty textbook in my hands that I was currently reading. The subject was AP Biology...just the type of challenge that I needed!

The Mystical Life Of Caitlynn Acacia (The Siren's Pandemic) (TG Story)Where stories live. Discover now