Chapter 55

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“ Where am I?” Paro asked, holding her breath, looking at the person sitting in front of her who had proved himself to be a monster last night. 

“You are with me, love, at my place”. Adi smiled at her while taking a step towards her bed. 

It took her a while to process his words. What did he mean by his place? It wasn't his room or even his apartment. Where did he take her then? A cold shiver ran down her spine thinking about the possibility. 

“ Your place? But… but it's… it's … not your apartment. Then?” Paro tried to sit with a jerk as she felt her heart thumping at an inhuman speed in fear. She gulped hard, seeing Adi near the bed. 

“ Relax love, relax.” Adi placed himself on the edge of the bed. Seeing her disheveled hair on her face, his hand instinctively leaned towards her, trying to tuck it behind her ear. 

Paro slapped his hand out of instinct, terrified, while trying to place herself away from Adi. 

“ Don't.. don't touch me.” The words came out of her mouth as a whisper even though she wanted to shout at the top of her lungs. 

Adi didn't like her going away from him. He clenched his jaw at her rejection but tried to make himself understand that she needed time. Running his fingers through his hair, he took a deep breath to cool himself down. 

“ Paro.. we aren't at my apartment. This is another place. I just wanted to spend some quality time with you. Here nobody can disturb us, baby!” 

Adi climbed on the bed properly and looked at her shivering form. He brought his right hand up to her cheek, stroking his thumb tenderly in contrast to his dark gaze on her. His dark brown orbs bathed in the possessiveness and the crudest obsession that took birth last night. 

“ Where is this place?” Paro asked with a blank face, almost forgetting how to breathe.

“ Away from the City. Away from everyone. Only we two will be here. Nobody can disturb us. Only you and me.” Adi said with madness in his eyes.

Listening to him Paro wanted to throw up. She wanted to shout, beat, and curse him. But her overwhelmed emotions didn't allow it. The realization of being kidnapped by her biggest nightmare just came true. Her body was frozen in fear. She didn't know what she should do as the gravity of realization hit her. 

“ I …. I want to go back.  Please… please take me there.” she somehow managed to utter the words.

Adi looked at her for a while before laughing out loud. 

“You are kidding me right? " he asked as if he had the biggest joke in the world.

After last night, Paro already understood that Adi had lost the minimum amount of humanity that was left in him. He was a madman. A monster. Even in that situation, she knew that there was no point in arguing with him. Without trying to make him angry she tried to keep herself calm and spoke up as gently as possible. 

“ No. I am not.” She said directly looking at him. 

The smile on Adi's face was gone. Suddenly Paro felt a burning pain in her wrist as Adi pulled her towards him. 

“ What.. what do you mean by that you want to go back? Why don't you want to stay with me here? Haan? After all, you are my GIRLFRIEND.” 

Adi asked, holding her cheeks in a tight grip, making her mouth O- shaped. He smiled half-heartedly, but the coldness in his voice left no stone unturned to show what was going on in his mind. The mockery in his voice was clear as he emphasized the last word. Remembering her betrayal, what happened last evening, made him increase his pressure on her. 

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