Chapter 33 - It is, what it is (3)

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Time : 13:18
Location : A mysterious dungeon

We more or less arrived at the entrance of the tower-like dungeon.
The area around it, for some reason was giving a really cold wind, that quickly get replaced by the usual breeze at noon.
We get off the SUV, and walk towards the seemingly a door.
"A door? Really?"
"I don't know whether they're lazy or just want to make things simple, but whatever."
"So, what is this tower-like building, Rinka?"
"A dungeon."
"uhh, a what?"
"Well, how to explain it...anyway better experience it to understood it better I suppose?"
"Let's go then-"
I hold her hand, "Wait, we need to prepare and plan first."
I activated Astral Vision, then using Appraisal.
[Your Appraisal level is too low, showing reduced information that could be accessed...]
[Roller-coaster of Magic]
[A dungeon, full of magic.]
What the heck, only that piece? Whatever, any information is still information.
"So, what can you do other than waterballs?"
"I could manipulate water?"
"Alright then, no changes in plan, you simply need to get to the back and shoot things."
"backline? Fine, I'll follow your lead~"
"You want to use sword?"
"Yeah, exactly why I brought it on the SUV."
" know what? I don't have any obligations to cage you or anything, you're free to do anything."
"Just remember, that if you feel any dangers, immediately back off."
I was talking...yet she already opened the door.
"Okay~ and whooopsie, sorry for intruding..."
"It's fine."
[2 Challengers has Entered Roller-coaster of Magic]
[Entrance Locked]
Hmm? a new piece of system message?
"Sigh, we can't go out before clearing this thing."
"A barrier was put on the surrounding area, even the SUV we parked there got moved away."
"Let's do this then!"
"What's wrong with you?"
"Nothing wrong, of course~"
She was happily, moving along the tunnel into nothingness.
She stopped at once...uhh.
"A trap, one more step and it'll triggered."
"how do you know?"
"I have GPS, hahaha."
"Don't tell me, you haven't turned it off?"
"No reason to do that."

Chilly atmosphere, quiet buildings, without anything but traps here and there.
After trying to trigger a bit some of them, they're magic, casted by someone, somewhere far as I can't use Astral Vision to phase through these layers of walls. It also seems like a barrier was put around me, that I can't move Astral Vision to reach somewhere far.
I casted Appraisal on the magic that triggered by the traps, but nothing registered, it seem that 'known' is more ambiguous than I thought.

We kept moving forward, higher, following the stairs.
"Rinka, Rinka, a door!"
For some unknown reason, it seemed to me that Stelle, no, everyone in this world adapt way too fast for this, she practically moving without fear even without any knowledge about this thing.
"Wait a bit, I can't see what's behind it."
"I'll open i-"
"No, I'll do it, you stay and watch my back."
A huge room, too huge in fact, with nothing in it.
Perfect area for monster spawn in games.
"Alright, I can use the GPS again, let's go."
"You sticking the GPS name huh?"
"Astral Vision too long of a name, and I kinda use it as a means to scan area anyway."
And as I expected, the moment she get in, the door closed tight.
Voice, monsters voice coming from above.
A light, abnormal light in fact, but Astral Vision can't be blocked by the darkness so it's not a surprise.
"Shoot above."
She shoot a barrage of waterballs, most of them missed but the target that got hit instantly gone, as if only a clone.
"It's too dark here, can you turn on the light?"
"I forgot it was dark, my bad my bad."
A suspicious switch was placed exactly behind the door, and after it closed, it become more suspicious, but I don't care, just pull it.
The room, was bright, like someone using a fire magic.
"Only that?"
"I think? Let's just move on to the next area."
"Can we rest first? I used too much magic and now my 'Mana' stat at 10%."
"Yeah, the requirements to cast magic was mana for me."
Is it because I don't have mana stat that Astral Vision could be used indefinitely? Or it was designed this way and got that 'Injure Critical Damage to a parts of your sense' to balance it out?
Or they're just lazy? I don't know.
I used Appraisal on her.
[Stella Kaku, companion]
[MP : 8/80]
Water Bubble Dance
Weapon Mastery
Mana Circuit
Magic Mastery
Triple Slash
Sword Dance (Partial) ]
What the heck, that's a lot compared to my Appraisal, Astral Vision, Magic Nullifications, Pain Intolerance. 
We trained for weapon mastery, yet only her get it as a Skill, whatever.
I tossed her a drink.
"Energy drink?"
"I don't know what is this mana thingy, but we need to move. You can use sword in case your magic ran out, right?"
"Sure thing."

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