Chapter 10 - 6/3/2023

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Monday... I definitely repeated this start countless time by now. Let's stop and skip into school!

Nothing big happened, just usual monday. That is, until lunch break.
I was just lazily lying my body on my desk. Sorting my thoughts and planning.
Suddenly, Stella came to my desk.
"You free?"
I look up, and see a beautiful face.
"what is it, a confession?" I said with monotonous voice, and straight face.
"WHAT? What do you mean???" Her voice... the whole class hear that by now, she looks around and blushed real red.
"yeah no, that a joke. what you want from me?"
clearing her throat.. "Come with me."
"well if you do it like that, the whole class will be suspicious no?"
"I don't care, and you don't seem the type to care about it yourself."
"Oh? you understand me with real fast huh, fine. bring it on."
And...she drag me outside the class.

"Hey Eko, he is your friend right? what happening between them?"
"dunno. but that is interesting."


She drag me to the unused classroom near rooftop. Woah, she know this place even with only weeks of school time, I need 3 months to find this in comparison.

"So, what you want, young miss?"

"cut it out, will you?"
"I'll be straight to the point, quit the job father gave you. Right here, right now."

"nope, he already gave me the payment, I won't betray money."

"I'll give you thrice of that, in cash."

"now now, it's not about the money. It's about what I want to do."
"Scared of me checking your room at night?"

"not in the slightest."

"Aww, you're no fun. Don't worry, the contract is said to be 6 months."

"He decided to stay here for that long? Wait, why I don't know that?"

"Why don't you ask him?"
"Don't give me he is busy-"

"He is busy."

sigh "You know what is your father already, I'm sure he'll answer if you asked for it."

"Not your problem."

"Now, can I go? I need to do something."

"I'll make you voluntarily quit from the task father gave you."

"is that love confession? if yes, i'll say yes."

"....I hate you, go." She say as she leak out disgusted face.

After that, I straightly go back to class.
And I go back to the previous position, lying my face on the desk, waiting for school to end as usual.

"What happened there?"
Suddenly, Eko asked a question.
"Something weird. About the time when I see her outside school."
"Girl, is weird ain't it?"

"Well, I can't argue with that. But you became more normal saying that line, Rinka."


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