Chapter 14 - 17/3/2023

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Today was sword arts, swinging sword, parrying, and doing the so called "art". It's tiring.
Just when I was about to login to the mmorpg I used to play and haven't logged in for 2 weeks, someone knocking at the door. Just who? It was 10 p.m. Why would anyone knock on my door at this time, the workers also tired already. 

"Just come in, it's not locked." 
As soon as the words came out of my mouth, the door opened. It was Stella.
It seems the word "What" was written on my confused face.
"What?" She asked with kind of annoyed face.
"It just... whatever, what you need at this hour?"
"Teach me the thing you promised."
"just do it."
"alright? I mean, sure, why not."

"So, where are you struggling?"
"uh, everything, I have different logic and way to clear the task. He didn't say I'm wrong, the answer was right, well kinda close not right, so he just asking me who teach me this and that, where you learn the way to solve it and things."
"Uh-huh, so?" My priority still was on the game.
"Are you even listening?" The voice, sounded more angry.
"I am though?" I turn my head and see her face.
"Math was always solving problems, and the way to solve problems is a lot. So I don't really see the reason for that."
"but the teacher..."
"He simply testing you whether you achieve it on your own or copying from somewhere. Happens to me too. On the next Math class, I'm betting he will talk about this exact thing."
"Anyway, want to play together?" I.... don't know why I said this.
"Still, teach me. Don't you dare you play games in front of me!" Ah, she's angry.
"Fine, fine. I'll accompany you until 12 p.m."

I need to sleep. also, nothing more happened.

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