Chapter 5 - 26/02/2023

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Ah, another Sunday, what could go wrong in this really nice and peaceful day?
Yesterday, is rather unusual but not that bad. 
'Do you need stable income?' haha. 
Well, I don't really think I need an income or money because my parents already making themselves busy with work, and those give an income which also given to me as pocket money or some sort. But lately, I've been rather bored so why not try new things~
Oh man, I talked with myself, again. I need to stop this habit.
Whatever, I get my phone, type the number on Kaku's business card and called him right away.
20 seconds without any response, well I guess he really busy, I'll try next time~
Just exactly when I was going to turn off the call, he answered.
"Ah, finally."
"I'm sorry, I was focused on other things and didn't checked my phone."
"I'll get straight to the point, which person organs do I need to get for you?" I said that with rather serious tone.
"Wait. wait, wait wait. This is not that kind of work." Kaku voice have rather scared? or is it confused? or is it worried? that kind of tone, y'know.
Wait, who did I talk to again? Argh. I really need to get this bad habit stopped.
"Oh, really? Then what is the detail of this so-called work with stable income?"
"I need you to guard someone from things-"
"Wait, I'm not that good at combat, you might scouted wrong person."
"Listen to me first, I'm not done."
"Alright I'll wait till you done."
"I need you to guard someone from bad things, society and whatnot, while also giving some common sense so they will be fine when they go to society and not making any problem."
"A child, I suppose? How old are they?"
"It's should be around your age, 2nd grade of high-school."
"A spoiled child from rich family but they don't have time to teach some common sense education, huh?"
"You're somewhat right, so I'll leave it at that."
"Well...It's not like I need urgent money-"
"So you reject this proposal? After how far I tried to come to you?"
"Ugh, If you worded it like that, I'm really sounded like bad person. Sure things. I want to get new experience too, a win-win business contract!"
"Alright then, why don't we meet face-to-face for more details? I'll give you an address."
"Sure, I'm delighted to work with you."

Guard? More like Private Teacher. But hey, experience is experience. 
I don't have any energy left after talking with someone face that I know. Imagining their face, expression based on voice from phone is exhausting. I'll go troll people on some multiplayer game to recharge my energy, I guess.


And thus, It's already night time. I looked at the clock and it's show 19'o clock.
Kaku emailed me the details and address with a date that is not tomorrow. Seems like he also busy tomorrow.
I order some food, close everything that not yet closed, wash my face, wait the food, eat, and go sleep.
I wish tomorrow will also colorful and fun. But I doubt, it's Monday after all. 

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