Chapter 19 - The Calm Before the Catastrophe (1)

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The clock was at 20 o'clock, I still immersed myself in an online games I recently interested. Just when I'm about to do some raid, I heard a growling sounds. It was my own. It seems I was kinda hungry.
I went AFK and go to kitchen to cook and eat something.
I spotted Stella on the couch, playing with her phone.
"Stella, have you eaten yet? I was gonna cook something."
"Nope. Cook for 1 more portion, please~"
I make something simple because this is already almost into the night, my appetite ain't big at this hours.
I put the food on the dining table.
"The food ready."
" 'Kay~"
She sat down.
"what is this haha"
"some say, cooking equal to experiments, so I know, trying things."
When I look into my "experiments" again, I guess that response was...understandable?
"What the heck was that? This is really, I don't know."
"Don't worry, at very least it was edible enough."
"Wait, this is actually nice. what."
"Happy to hear that, but for me, this isn't salty enough. Gonna add some for my own."
"You really is weird, have anyone told that to you?"
"No, but I kept telling myself that exact line~"
The dining table was lively for once.
"Well, I guess I'm also weird for liking you~"
"There's no such thing as 'weird for liking something', that just human nature."
There is smile from her face.
"Okay, mr. Professor."
Her laughter follows after such sarcastic remarks.
It seems that I was genuinely showing faint smile expression to her, if I took her expression as basis as I can't see myself without a mirror.
"Your smile is nice you know? Should've let it out some more~"
"Then, make me do it."

Such events was repeated with some slight changes, but repetition of doing things together bring comfort and happiness.
We tries to always priority doing something together, I doing it for her's sake, and she said it was so I'm not lonely. But we still give each other some personal time simply because I asked her for it. Is this what a relationship was, or this is an anomaly? I don't know, I'm not everyone that experience everything, so this is my reality at very least.

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