Chapter 17 - The Date

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Today was 6/4/2023.
It's been 3 months since I work for Kaku, and it's been 1 months since we develop our, "close-relationship". That day still feel like a dream, but I don't get dreams in sleep anymore these days so it was reality. and 1 more month and the fated apocalypse arrive at earth.
The clock showing 10:21 , I've been thinking and self-talk for a whole 5 minutes after I woken up, this is stupid.
I get up from bed, wash my face, fix my hair and tidy up the bed. 
I knock on Stella's room.
"You ready?"
"I've been waiting you to woke up!" she come out of the room, annoyed.
"sorry-sorry~, the game was too much fun I forgot to sleep."
"If you need to choose, will you choose your beloved games or me?"
the moment I hear that question, without hesitation I answered. "the games of course."
"Hmm?" she hit my leg, that's kinda hurt. "really?" is this the so called toxic-relationship?
"fine. let's go, to our date~"
"why are you so obssesed with this outing thing?"
"even if I explain it, you won't understand it anyway, you spent too much time rocking up in your room to even understand this."
"exactly, I don't understand the logical reasoning behind this."
"just. follow. me. ok?"
"yes, my beloved lady~" with monotonous tone.


"So, what do you want to do today?"
I asked, looking at her cheerfully sightseeing.
"Just stick to me, you playing kept playing the so called logical game of yours anyway."
"mhhm, fine."

She jumping around, happily. Sightseeing everything that she deemed as cute, yet she doesn't bought them even with the money her father gave. 

"A theme park?"
"Yeah, you need to have fun outside of your room, for your 'mental-health'"
"Yeah yeah, sure it is. I'll accompany you no problem. What do you want to go first?"
"Let's get some arcade don't you think?" She pulled my arm, to make me stick with her. why does she show so much smile?

"argh, this is so hard." she complained. "oi Rinka, don't just watch, play it for me!" She handed the controller to me.
*sigh* "why do you even want to play this?"
"the rewards of course" as she tries to be as smug as possible with that line. cmon.
"fine, which one?"
"that one!" she pointed towards a doll.
"don't hope on me too much, alright?"
"Don't worry! I trust you!"
"here, take it. what next?" as I handed the reward to her.
"Woah, you actually did it. nice and fluffy~" She hugged the doll, why was she so happy? "Next one is thrilling ones!"
"Haunted House?"
"no, not that one."
"you scared?"
"Yeah, I am, so what?"
"Don't worry, I'm here for you~"
"Aww, how you feeling right now? that's really cheesy line hahaha." why did I even utter such bullshit. now it seems I was feeling embarrassment.
"We gonna hit everything this place has to offer!" as she pulled my arm tightly.


"Phew, that was really fun today!" she happily claimed that while eating her burger.
We sat in one of the open-area table.
"yeah, true that. this is fun than what I imagined."
"See? You need to go outside more!" she really smug about it.
"thanks for this then." I looked straight to her. "So why are we doing this? You aren't the type to do things without calculation."
"Hehe, you know what. I've been reading that diary of yours since last week."
"I know that."
"Heeeeee? really? anyway, it's just. IF it really does happen, we won't be able to do this. so I want to fully use these remaining time." She looked really sad. she shed some teardrops.
"Don't be. I love you." I held her in my arms.
"what the...I love you too."
"Let's get going shall we?"

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