Chapter 27 - Next Level (1)

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I was lying, on the ground.
My body still is indeed lying there, but for some unknown reason, Astral Vision got triggered but I can't control it. I don't know whether this is a dream or not, but I could see even while I was unconcious.
The helicopter, as soon as the notification about the monster has been defeated, trying it best to land nearby.
The crew get off out of the helicopter, and searching the area.
"Rinka, RINKA."
For some reason, I can even hear the sounds,  albeit it wasn't that loud, the vision also got reduced.
"I found the monster body!"
"Search the area, quick!"
The crew, searching the area, hastily. Using flashlights to help their vision, I forgot this was supposed to be dark at around 18:30 P.M.
"I found Rinka's body! Come here!"
"This madlad actually did it."
"He is crazy, mad even."
They circling around me, preparing something like a stretcher to carry my unconcious body to the helicopter.
When they moved, for some reason, Astral Vision also following them.
"Aaaand- There we go. Where to go now?"
"Where else? to the safest place right now we go!"
They landed nearby the bunkers, carefully carrying my unconcious body to give it some rest.
I saw my parents, sad, yet not desperate enough.
I don't need hysterical emotion, they knew what I am.
Another door opened, and Stella was there, watching my unconcious body carried to the bed.
The crew leaves the room, Stella still there. I can't hear anything, or perhaps, she didn't make any noises.
I tried to cancel Astral Vision, it didn't do what I want. I want my brain to rest, and so, I close my eyes. I close my ears. I forcefully, cancel the vision.

I woken up.
The first thing I see was Stella's sleeping head on my body.
"Did she really stay there for that long?"
I look around for a clock, to know how long was I sleeping for.
The clock was pointing to 1 and 5, either 01:25, or 13:25.
I can't feel my right eye. I can't even open it.
I slighly moved Stella body, slowly and carefully to not wake her up.
Drawing my self towards a mirror, I use my hands to forcefully open my right eyes.
An eye, devoid of anything, like the retina of blind man.
I close it again.
"Hey, Stella, wake up."
"Hnngh~" ...cute, I suppose?
Poking her head with my fingers. Slowly, increasing the tempo, and the area of it, till she wake up.
"Good morning, sleepy head."
She showing signs of waking up.
Her brain, can't handle the excitement, making herself confused.
"Yeah, it's me. Now, sleep again, or I'll kiss you."
She was tearing up. 
"Why are you so reckless?"
She hugged me.
"Oy, you're heavy you know."
"I will let that pass."
"It...really is scary, to see your unconcious body, carried to this room."
"I know."
She hugged me, even tighter.
The tears, the cry, she letting all those out.

"Is it done?"
"Hey, Stella."
"What will you do, if I tell you that I manipulate everything so you fell for me?"
"Like, I confessed to you, you took the wrong turns on the way home, get kidnapped, I for some reason showing up at the kidnapper hideout, beating them, you get sick for a whole week afterwards, and I tending you every day for the week?"
"If you, say it like that, it sure doesn't seem to be a stretch to call it manipulation."
She faced her face, towards mine. "But you know what? After getting to know you for quite some time, you ain't that bad to fell into."
"And, also, if I was the one, that liked you first, I would go such length, even if it not THAT extreme."
"You? Interested in other people? pfft, nice joke."
"Hey, I'm still human too!"
Both of them, laughing quite the laugh.
"Why are you closing your right eyes?"
"It's died."

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