Chapter 6 - 27/02/2023

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Monday, school, and going outside. School kinda the only reason i go out of home so it's not really annoying, in fact it seems I, really wanted to go outside, yet I never really bothered myself to do exactly it. So school is really nice system for me with this contrary nature..or you could say contrary ability. Alright that was a bad joke, enough self-talk and go with the flow of time~

Ah, I really did self-talk again, fuck, aaaaaaa.

If someone asking me what is my hobbies, I will, without thinking, answered walking. Walking is really nice, but cause it's such brain-less activities, I let my mind wanders too far and get more and more worst self-talk. It's a shame it's not going to self-harm nor self-doubt but I'm sure it'll get there eventually if I don't stop this.

Great, another self-talk. 
Keep doing that, ME!

And that how the daily walking to school activity done. It's 6:50 a.m. 10 more minutes, and I'll get some disciplinary by the school discipline committee because arriving late. I'm enrolled to one of the best, in my district of course, no way this one is top school in the country. Anyway school start at 7:00 a.m, this kinda force everyone to be an early bird but eh, whatever, It's good for me because...wait no, I always sleep in-between 23:00 and 1:00, that's mean my sleep schedule is..nevermind, what is sleep schedule again?

I entered the school, my body automatically moving myself towards the class while my thoughts wander to wonderland. If I do something, repeatedly, and consistently, my body learn what to do by itself and turned of the brain. I don't know if it normal, but self-talk definitely not good for yourself, I'm talking to you, me.

I take my seat, get my laptop out, and go to the internet. Did I say which major I enrolled into? It's software engineering. If asked why choose this major, I'll say 'cause it's sounds cool and I love games. But man, this is kinda tiring major to be honest. The school kinda outdated if I look into the internet, cause first year is Python, and MySQL. While second year we jump towards MVC Model, straight into PHP Laravel. This is useless information by the way, just some self-thoughts I did everyday to re-memorize the event for these last two years.

And the class started.

The teacher seems to brought in someone.
New students? In this month, where we will get to third year in 3-4 months later? Whatever, not my problem.

"Good morning, my name is Stella Kaku, pleasure to meet you all." 
Woah, she have good confidence, talking in front of a class full of stranger, perhaps I should get her for third year project? 'Cause I'm sure, the school have some kind of "Present your work in front of the class" type of shit and I'm kinda bad at it. Nice joke, me. No way you do that, ever.

While I'm focusing myself on laptop and self-monologue, she already done her introduction, the formal one of course. I'll observe her behaviour and how she melt this already strong class structure.

Wait, did she say her name "Kaku"? No way, right? Haha.

And thus, the class come to end. I packed my things, and go straight home, I don't join clubs 'cause It's annoying, but at second year, I felt it already too late anyway so I just don't.

I entered my house, get to my room, and booted my PC.
1 Notification from Insta™
"Hmm, a message huh... from who I wonder~"
[SUS Kaku]

Is it regarding the details? won't hurt to check.

[How was her, a beauty perhaps?]
....It's fucking true. It's seems third year will be fun if I looked at those RomCom stories haha. This will be definitely stressful though.

" I'd be lying if I said she isn't beautiful, but is that all?"

[Well, it's better if we talk face-to-face. According to her, the class is free at weekends, like most school do. Just reminding you~]
"Fine, I'll definitely come there if the world don't make me sick. On my way to intentionally make myself sick."

[Well, even if you're sick, we have internet, so it's fine. Get well soon.]
And...he goes offline, like a magic.

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