Chapter 20 - The Calm Before the Catastrophe (2)

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Today is the last day of June. The fated month according to Kaku's information as 4 month after March, July. 
Kaku's office.
"This is the last day of June, is the preparation enough?"
He sitting in his seat, focusing on his computer as he works from there lately.
"There is never enough preparation, but the time is ticking. All we can do is just pray that my dream was actually a dream and it does not make it to the reality."
"Well, that jinxed it already."
"Haha, it sure does."
He get up, and looking towards the glasses. The view of mansion's garden was there.
"So, how is Stella?"
"You sure giving her to me?"
"What a bold question. Splendid."
"Enough of that doting parenting, I want to talk about the plan."
"You'll also think like me when you are at the age you know."
"... *sigh* If I can make an impactful attack as the hope of people dies down, will you be able to conquer the political side and control the masses?"
"Depending how 'Impactful' this attack of yours."
"How to make it more 'Impactful', then?"
"Human on earth have way too much peace, they will get down to despair really fast once they get fear."
"But, human was able to adapt to anything and kept on living all these time, I'm betting someone will do something for it so they can live."
"Exactly, so, how do you make it more 'Impactful'. It's simple. Just let these despaired people get more despair."
"Aren't that too cruel?"
"You playing games, simulation games. Have you ever feel the need of sacrifice for greater good?"
"Lots of them do that, it's fun cause it was 'simulation'"
"Reality is often dissapointing, I don't do this for the sake of greater good, I only did this to protect my daughter."
"Honesty is nice, ain't it."
"So, we'll wait in the bunker for the whole days, and launch attack using the magic of the world at noon."
"Mhmm, Can I told my parents at very least?"
"Sure, I will also help convince them to go with me."
"Sounds like we have the deal, now we just betting my heart won't be wavered when the fear goes to us."
"Time to pray for our god, isn't it?"

I close the door. 
Hah, this is stupid. Why did I even scared about this?
I never was getting scared by anything, simply because I live in a good family that won't get me to touch the dark side of society. I also reduced the amount of interaction at school so nobody can drag me there. I didn't get scared by ghosts. Adrenaline from thrilling things such as bungee jump and the infamous human slingshot rides at the theme park does not making me scared by a bit. "If it kills me, then so be it", "Just do it, you missed 100% the shot you didn't shoot", and others similar line always repeating when I do get something thrilling. Is this optimistic, or nihilistic? Not my problem. It just, when I finally have someone I genuinely longed for, these lines sounded more stupid. "If it kills me, then someone gonna cry", "Only do the shot you 100% sure will hit, cause failure will get someone sad", is now the lines I heard.
Is this Kaku's plan? 
I don't know. All I know is, I love Stella.

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