Chapter 1 - Realm of God?

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The whole scenery changed immediately after using the "Revival Stone".
This place looked like somewhere, yet nowhere. I can't understand what I should see. 
One place looked like barren desert, the other looked like underwater city, there's also magically big tree, and of course, flying islands.

I walked, keep walking, without any destination in mind, cause I don't even know where I am.
There's multiple doors, which each leads to another place. I keep walking, opening doors, hoping for a way to return to reality. I opened a door that connect to underwater city, yet I'm not drowned or anything, I can just breath the air(or water) and there's also no pressure no matter how deep the water is.

The whole place is so unreal. I could even call this place a combination of both hell and heaven that people always believe with how things works. I also don't feel exhausted, thirst or hungry. I wandered around this place without knowing anything, so it's rather normal for dungeon explorer such as me to start counting how many doors I have opened, how many estimated hours I have been walking and so on, and so on. 

After roughly 777 doors and a whole week walking, I arrive to something, I cannot even fathom. Just what is this?
I see someone, really beautiful person(questionable due to the nature of this place), with their long hair and slender body. I put all my might to walk towards that "person", yet step by step is becoming more and more harder to do. It's feel like there's something that pressured me to not take another step forward. But I kept trying, no matter how hard is it to move.

Eventually, after another 300 steps, I'm in front of that "creature". The more I get near, the more unfathomable the thing is for me. One step It's became a familiar family figure, another step It's became my worst nightmare, another step It's became a rock. I don't even know what that is, but I instinctively knew, that It will be the answer for all of my questions.

I let my voice out, but I cannot say anything, It's feel like someone choking me, I just can't let out anything.

"What thou need from This One, O mortal?"

The voice, It's goes straight to my head, it's bounced over and over, destroying my sanity.

"Very well, I shall gave thou what thou desire."

What does It even mean? I haven't asked anything!

"This one shall grant thou another chance to live, but thou already knew that everything, will be reset no matter how many times you do this."

"O pitiful soul, may this chance be blessed"

The voice, still bounced over and over. I tried to look at That Thing, but everything is a fragment of something unfathomable for me. But, I still haven't asked anything!

"Very well, This One shall grant thou the temporary ability to converse."

It's suddenly...Stopped?

"A, B, I want to ask something from You!"
"What do you mean by me already knew everything, what is reset, what even is this place, and why this happen to me?"


The laughter echoes from every direction yet again. 

"You told This One, that one word already enough to make you understand."

Ah, I see, this mean, that I indeed have doing this skit, over and over again.

"How many times is it?"

"This One already stopped counting because you kept doing this for eternity."

"Ahaha, my bet is so I could get more time to spend with Stella huh?"

"Only you know the real answer for everything you do, that is your way of life, after all."

"It seems even after numerous attempt I haven't even changed, eh."

"The time stopped in this realm, but you already knew what you gonna do."
"Be Ready, O pitiful soul, May the world blessed your path!"

"One more question, O goddess."
"How many random variables is happened that you're sure this time I'll get success?"

"Enough for That to happen."

"That's all I need to know. Thanks in advance!"


Second Year, huh. Whatever, nothing will change anyway.
I go to school hall, searching my name and which class I'll need to go.

Rinka Yuu

There it is! Let's see the classmates, not that I know someone though.
As expected, nobody I familiar with. It's really a good choice to take a high-school rather far from middle-school so I can evade-um, broaden my connections, yeah, for the future!

"Yo Rinka!"

An unfamiliar person suddenly tap my shoulder.
I reflectively evade him.

"Ah, It's just you, Eko."
 Luminair Eko, my friend since childhood that somehow got to the same school at high-school. But unlike me, he actually get to this school so he could get more advantages and connection for future, an actual plan.

"Which class you get?"

"Did you, really don't pay attention to your classmates names in that board?"
"You're becoming more and more pathetic bro."

"Lemme recheck it..."
There is it, Luminair Eko, Class 2-B

"Act like we're stranger until the class community formed, it'll be better for you."

"You haven't changed since middle-school huh? Always saying that at me. We aren't stranger."

"Yeah yeah, whatever. You do you, it's your life. I have zero control over it."

"Back with that philosophical talk, you need to stop that if you want a girlfriend haha."

"Yeah sure, womanizer like you surely love talking that."

"Now that just a straight up insult."

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