Chapter 24 - Catastrophe (2)

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The moment I see Kaku, I go straight to him, demanding an explanation of what just happened, while ignoring Stella, and my parents.
"Hey, Kaku, just when did you get my parents to agree to go to your bunkers?"
"It's all just a coincidence. We was talking about businesses and collaboration, when you called me with desperation."
"But that was only like 10 minutes ago!"
"Correction, it was 9 minutes ago."
"Exactly, you know it'll happen today, don't you?"
"No, it's all coincidence, and my guts feeling tell me that it'll soon happened the moment you called me for transporation, out of desperation."
"So, I called you, you convince my parents to go with you, and then orders every workers present there to do the same?"
"...I can't say anything about that."
I feel like he still have some secrets here and there, but I won't pry no more.
I'm more curious about what the heck was that vision of the lake.
"Fine then, let's go with that."
"True, we need to keep our wits do the fast-action during this time."
"Anyway, I for some unknown reason, have the urge to stop by a lake during the runaway trip, and when I arrived at mansion, I have a vision of what happening on the lake. It really look like the event was happening when I saw it."
"Yeah, like the drone-view we saw everytime, with sounds too, also I could control where to go and what to see."
After describing it further, he let out a small gasp, perhaps he was kinda shocked by it.
"I ran Appraisal Magic on you, and you for some reason, already obtaining a skill, named 'Astral Vision'."
"Sounds cool, I suppose?"
"Astral Vision gives the user vision and hearing using astral body, as in you could move wherever without actually moving your physical body."
"That..Exactly what I experienced. There's no way such high-level scouting skill didn't have any drawback, right?"
"You worry too much."
"So this one doesn-"
Just when I was about to say something, he cut it.
"Astral Vision, the more proficient you are with it, the more you synchronize with the astral body. With each usage, you give up your actual vision and hearing, and will make you slowly go blind and deaf. I have seen someone that really proficient with it, and they had no problem to hear or see. It's still sad though, not seeing everything in first-person but the third-person."
"Worthy drawback, to be honest."
"You sacrifice yourself to get more synchronized with the astral body-"
The light of the room got shut down, luckily, or he already prepared it. An oil lamp, the traditional oil lantern, just light the room bright.
"The electric got cut?"
"It was fast, we still only 20 minutes since it's started raining down with monsters."
"The most priority thing we need is both Vision and Information, don't you think?"
"Did you-"
I close my eyes, focusing everything to re-experience how and what I did to enables Astral Vision. Suddenly, I could see the mansion garden, I could hear every chaos that was happening outside. 
I focused myself, to limit the amount of vision, and hearing to not overwhelm myself.
The vision become more narrow, the voices became clearer. I move astral body, looking for a High-Voltage Power Line, the one connecting electrics to this region.
And as I expected, the monster was 'spawned' right above it, and they seem to have 'Destroy Power Source' as the first order. I followed the electrical line, and every one of them get destroyed by monsters.
"Wake up!"
I could hear a girl voice faintly, and soon after, I snapped back to the bunkers room.
"Yeah, what you need, Stella?"
I immediately search for Kaku position, but she holding my hands, really tight.
She hold my head, as if signaling to 'focus on me'.
"I need to talk about plan with Kaku."
"Are you not scared?"
"I am scared, but this exact feeling make me think clearer, to plan everything, to save my dearest one."
She let a small smile out to her face.
"You with your sweet words. Fine, go. If you think you can't handle it, remember that you have everyone here."
I patted her head, for some unknown reason, but I don't hate it.

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