Book 2 - Moving Day

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Before you continue:

Hello! You've made it to book 2 of Miracle Box! Congrats, you've read a lot! For those confused, the New York special wasn't book 2, but just a little buffer so I could have some quality Chloe time before literally never bringing her up as a main focus ever again. Ta da! I'm so magical!

Here is the synopsis of what you're about to get into:

Paris is falling apart, the Miracle Team is gone, and only Ladybug and Chat Noir can protect the city from Hawkmoth. However, the game has changed now that they've made contact with Dusuu. With trials of love, new akumas unlike any other, and a secret to be discovered about the miraculous themselves, will the two of them defeat Hawkmoth once and for all?

On the other hand, now responsible for the Miracle Box, Nino Lahiffe is navigating a whole new life with the steepest obstacles which are far from easy to conquer. When he loses Orikko, the most powerful of the kwami's, all seems for lost until a new vigilante appears—and he calls himself Rooster Bold.

I don't have a cover for this yet! I'm literally dying at uni right now. I've been working on a student short film for the past month or so and I have two other studio classes on top of it, there's just been hardly a chance for me to do any personal art. But I promise I'll update you guys when I get that finished! (This also means there won't be any chapter art for a while, at least not until summer break for me).

Enjoy reading!

Master Fu was dead.

That's what Nino Lahiffe discovered when he entered Master Fu's bedroom to bring him some freshly brewed tea. It took him a while to notice too, which was surprising because the man had rolled out of his bed and was lying lifelessly on the floor. When Nino realized that the master had died, he could not bring himself to speak or move. He had to have passed within the last twenty minutes since Nino had come to check on him, and left to make the tea. There was no resurrecting him.

Nino had never seen a kwami get so emotional as Wayzz was when he saw his master in such a state. In fact, the emotion bursting out of him came in the form of several blasts of his power, which disrupted the entire house and alerted every kwami there that their beloved Master Fu was gone.

Nino didn't know what to do after that. He suddenly found himself responsible for keeping the sanctuary together, and planning Master Fu's funeral service. He had to fill out all the documentation because there was no one else in Fu's life that was close to him and human. Nino also had to contribute to paying for the funeral service, though it was really small and sad for all the wrong reasons.

And then Nino was left to deal with the sanctuary.

He could not afford to pay for it.

The sanctuary had a funny little secret. It was actually a really sad looking apartment flat. At least, that's what it was to any human who had never wielded a miraculous. To Nino and the kwamis, it was an elegant siheyuan with a beautiful garden, fountains, paintings, and plenty of rooms for all the kwamis. That was just the magic of the miracle box at play.

Nino was now responsible for... Everything.

"I can't afford to have you all live here," Nino said to the kwamis. They were all gathered outside in the gardens, still mourning though two weeks had already passed since Master Fu died. "I need to move you all somewhere else."

"Moving is bad luck," Fluff, the rabbit kwamis of time, complained with a loud sniffle.

"Do we have to move?" Mullo, the mouse kwami of multiplication, also said, her eyes puffy from her crying.

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