Tempermental Storms

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Marinette was in her homeroom class. Well, it was technically also her language arts class, but at the moment, it was homeroom period. Alya sat next to her, enthusiastically showing Marinette the videos she'd managed to capture of Ladybug and Chat Noir fighting the monster Ivan had turned into by the name of Stoneheart. Alya wasn't even close to suspecting Marinette was Ladybug, which brought her some relief.

"Do you think they'll come back?!" Alya bubbled, once the last video she had was done.

"I mean... If they need to, I'm sure of it," Marinette said sheepishly.

"Then I think I'm gonna start a website about them!" Alya said, clicking out of her camera roll. "I mean, the videos got a lot of attention from Youtube and Instagram! I think I could make some good money doing this!"

"Maybe just... make a Youtube channel for it then? I think it'll be harder to find the website of some seventeen year old girl," Marinette suggested, trying to hide the blush of embarrassment creeping on her cheeks.

"Ohhhh, you're right!"

"Good morning everyone," Mrs. Bustier said, entering the room. "We have an official new student that will be joining us today."

As she said this a tall, blond haired boy entered the room looking incredibly out of place. Chloe lost her mind.

"ADRIEN!" Chloe flew up from her seat, "You're dad let you finally come?!"

"Y-yeah," the Adrien kid chuckled nervously, avoiding looking at the rest of the class. Chloe ran up and hugged him.

"AAH! I'm so happy for you!" she squealed. "I'm surprised!"

"M-me too, honestly."

"I figured we could all get to know each other by doing a welcoming exercise," Mrs

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"I figured we could all get to know each other by doing a welcoming exercise," Mrs. Bustier said kindly. "Not all of us know one another so why don't we play a game to get the ball rolling?"

"Ugh, a game?" A girl towards the back of the classroom scoffed.

"Ooh, what type of game?" an enthusiastic bubbly girl said with excitement.

"Well, I have some papers here, I figured we could have a snowball fight?"


"Each of you will write down an interesting fact or two about yourselves on one of these blank pieces of papers," Mrs. Bustier explained, passing out the white sheets out to the class, "Then we're going to wad them up in a ball and when I say go, we all throw the papers around the room like it's a snowball fight. And when we're done, we'll each uncrumple the paper closest to us and read the message out loud. We can take turns guessing whose paper it is. So please... if it's a deep secret you don't want to share... don't write it down."

She returned to the front of the classroom. Mrs. Bustier was a short red haired woman with freckles sprinkling her rosy cheeks. She was fairly young, but had a passion for teaching already.

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