A Fraction of Time

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Alix Kubel was very easily irritated. Kim often joked that it was a miracle she hadn't been akumatized yet with how often she got annoyed, pissed off, or lost her temper for all the most ridiculous things. Her rocky relationship with her family definitely didn't help with that. She often blew up at them, becoming a little monster screaming and shouting, sometimes even throwing things.

The incident of Pharaoh made things weird. She was angry with Julil for getting akumatized. The thousands of deaths he caused was a number constantly growing for the next week and on as the police kept finding more "missing persons" and bodies that had been so horribly destroyed they were barely recognizable. And for what? Because Julil got mad about not being taken seriously about his Egyptian mythology beliefs? Were the reasons behind all the akumatizations really that stupid? Alix couldn't help but hate her brother for it. She hated that he couldn't remember any of it. For some reason, a part of her wished he knew exactly what was going through his head as he chose to murder thousands. But Ladybug and Chat Noir had said that this was Hawkmoth's doing, and she must learn to forgive Julil.

Her father took notice of how moody Alix had been and decided it was best to take her away from the house for a while on a night out. Alix wanted to hang out with Kim, or at least, she'd rather do that than go out for dinner with her dad. Running an exhibition made her father pretty wealthy, and though Alix didn't quite look it herself, she was fairly well off because of him. And so, surprise surprise, this was no casual dining. They were going somewhere where her father could waste his money on overpriced food.

He didn't know Alix already made plans to ditch.

"Dad, did you really have to make me do this?" Alix grumbled as a waiter sat them down at a very nice table with a white table-cloth. She swore she could feel eyes on her, as if the people here knew her brother was now a mass murderer. She hated Julil for bringing her into that.

"Well, tonights a special night," her father said brightly. He looked down at her as she took her jacket off and frowned. "Couldn't you have made an effort to look presentable?"

"What's wrong with how I look?" Alix said, crossing her arms in irritation. Her father furrowed his eyebrows.

"Well... the piercings and choker aren't exactly appropriate for where we're at. This is a very renowned restaurant, you know. Not just everyone gets to dine here. And well, Alix, your pants look like they came from a thrift store."

"That's because they are from a thrift store. As is my shirt. Does it really bother you so much that I'm wearing what I like!"

"I'm just saying I wished you would have dressed a little more nicely."

"Whatever," ALix grumbled. Her phone buzzed with a notification so she pulled it out to check it, her dad groaning at the action. It was a text from Kim.

Kock Head: You think you can break away yet?

Alix: no we just got here

Kock Head: Just let me know when

Alix: yes please save me from this

"Who's that you're talking to over your own father?" Alix's dad asked, a frown scarring his face deeper than before.

"Kim," Alix said sourly.

"Of course," her father sighed. A waiter popped over to their table with a fake smile plastered to his face.

"Can I get you two anything to drink?" the waiter said brightly. His voice was familiar.

"Just water will be fine," Alix's father said.

"And you?" He looked at Alix. Alix lazily glanced up with him. She immediately felt her brain combust. That was Kim. Le Chien Kim was pretending to be a waiter.

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