New York - A Moth in the City that Never Sleeps

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Queen Wasp reconfigured her motorcycle and before anything could be done to stop her, she was speeding off with Sandboy, leaving her teammates in the dust. She held the miraculous of the tortoise to her chest, not trusting Sandboy enough to even let him touch it. She knew his motivation. Help her with her goal, and in exchange, he gets the ladybug and black cat miraculous. Her head was whirling with ideas for how to get rid of him once she got what she needed from him.

She just had to find Hawkmoth.

Sandboy occasionally gave her directions to where he was sensing Hawkmoth from. He could read that man's fear, which was now practically a beacon–it was enormous. Queen Wasp ignored all red lights and even traduced some moving cars as she expedited through the city. She didn't care if anyone got hurt, she just needed to clear her own path... She was also aware her wreckage was guiding her two hero friends in her direction...

Sandboy frantically warned her of a construction site up ahead but Queen Wasp only went fast, her eyes looking past the closed off road to what lay ahead of it. She swerved her bike, demolishing a parked car and launching herself and Sandboy into the air over the road construction. Sandboy suddenly shrank in size, reverting to his child form and hugging onto Queen Bee for dear life. It was almost cute, if she ignored that he was a monster and not a child.

"He's up ahead, in the hotel," said Sandboy's childish voice. "Fifth floor, I sense he's watching us through the- WOAH WOAH WOAH!"

Queen Wasp's bike lurched for the entrance of the hotel, busting through the doors and heading straight for the stairs. Sandboy began to scream, as any little boy would. Civilians were barely able to jump out of the way in time before the motorcycle reached the stairs, breaking those doors down too. Up the stairs they went on the motorcycle, somehow managing to swerve the tight corners as they went back and forth back and forth back and forth up the stairwell until finally they made it to the fifth story. And wouldn't you know it, Queen Wasp broke down that door too.

"Room 568," Sandboy said, his voice slightly trembling. Queen Wasp revved her bike and zoomed down the hall, counting the numbers until she reached room 568. Finally, she disabled the bike. She stood there for a moment, facing the door, thinking and glaring. "Should we knock?"

Queen Wasp kicked the door down with her metal boot. She then pressed a button on her suit, disabling it so she reverted to her original akumatized look. She didn't step into the room at all. She stared ahead into the empty looking suite where the windows were open on the opposite end.

"So you managed to get the tortoise," said a dark voice, "impressive."

"Listen here, limp dick," Queen Wasp called back, "I've got this whole hotel, and soon the whole city, swarming with my wasps. Don't you fucking dare try anything."

"I wasn't planning on it," said the voice, "but I also wasn't expecting company."

"Okay, you miserable old sod, I wasn't expecting to be akumatized today but here we are. Do you want the tortoise or not?" Queen Wasp said venomously. Hidden behind her back, she held both the tortoise miraculous and her venomous spinning top.

"You weren't followed?"

"I only have Sandboy here with me. I've taken over the city with venom, no one could have followed me."

"So then, we've finally met. Come inside."

Queen Wasp did exactly so, taking grand confident steps into the suite. She quietly scanned the room for the villainous man, or at least a sign of him.

He was standing near the door-sized windows, back turned. His frighteningly tall silhouette was illuminated by the city lights, sparkling over the streets but clouded by the billions of wasps Queen Wasp had released on her way there. And then he turned ever so slightly, parting his lips just barely to tell her, "Sandboy must leave."

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