12| Death Of A Old Friend Pt 1

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As I walked down the street that I knew so well, I felt Hyun-Su's presence beside me. We were on our way to find Ah-Yi, but there was a comfortable silence between us. I couldn't help but wonder about Hyun-Su's connection to her. After all, Ah-Yi was the daughter of Yi-Kyung, and she had been pregnant with her for all that time.

The weight of the situation was palpable, and I couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to this than met the eye. As to why she hates me, I had my suspicions, but I wanted to be sure.

As I spoke up, I directed my attention towards Hyun-su and began asking him some questions about Ah-Yi. I was curious about their relationship and wanted to know more. "How do you know Ah-Yi? She seems quite fond of you," I inquired. Hyun-su stopped in his tracks and turned to face me. I couldn't help but notice that our hands were still interlocked together.

As soon as I asked him about Ah-Yi, he replied, "I've known her ever since she was a baby." I was taken back by his response. It didn't make any sense. My mind raced as I tried to figure out how that could be possible. The timeline didn't add up. We had left Green Homes only a year ago.

As I tried to wrap my head around his answer, confusion set in. If Yi-Kyung was pregnant back then and had her baby, the child would be an infant or, at the most, a toddler by now. His response seemed off, and my bewilderment only deepened. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "A baby? But how is that even possible?" I shook my head in disbelief.

He looked at me with a grave expression and continued, "Ah-Yi is different. She was born a monster. I found Yi-Kyung on a frozen lake, and she had already given birth to Ah-Yi but abandoned her. So, I took the responsibility of looking after her. As the year passed, I noticed that Ah-Yi grew and aged twice as fast as normal humans. She saw me as her brother, as I was the only family she had known until Yi-Kyung had came back."

As I stood there listening to him explain, I couldn't help but feel a bit incredulous. However, I knew that Hyun-su had never lied to me, so I nodded along as he spoke. I had another question on my mind, and I asked it tentatively, "If she thinks of you as her brother, why does she hate me? Did I do something wrong?" Hyun-su shook his head and reassured me that I hadn't done anything wrong. It was Ah-Yi who got jealous easily.

Curious, I probed further, "Why does she get jealous?" Hyun-su let out a heavy sigh before responding, "I've talked to her about you, and sometimes I've left her alone for long periods to watch over you. I think this may have made her angry, as she knows you hang out with humans. She dislikes humans, which in turn makes her dislike you, as she thinks you're taking me away from her."away from her."

The words echoed in my head like a broken record. I couldn't believe what I had just learned. I had always suspected that he was watching over me, like my silent guardian. Never seen but always there but now, knowing the truth, it was hard to digest. "Did you try to explain?" I asked him, hoping for a logical explanation.

He nodded slowly, his eyes downcast. I could sense his pain, knowing that his explanation had only made things worse. It was hard to believe that I, someone who had never done anything wrong to her, was being hated for something I didn't even do.

"Perhaps with you here, we could try to explain the situation to her and make her understand so that she doesn't hold any grudges against you," Hyun-Su suggested. He believed that this was our best bet as there was no other way around it - if I wanted to be with Hyun-su, we needed to clear things up and avoid any negative feelings or misunderstandings.

" Okay, let's go plus she needs to see her mom one last time." we agreed to it, and as we continued to walk again, Hyun-Su told me about the hiding places she likes to go to escape her mom. He's told me about the tense situation of their mother-and-daughter relationship. 

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