1| Monster Troubles

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|| Please be advised that the following story contains content that is intended for mature audiences. It may include themes or topics that some readers may find inappropriate or offensive. Readers' discretion is advised. ||

Min Soo-Nico P.O.V

As I stood there in front of the shattered glass mirror, I clutched onto both ends of the bathroom sink. The sight of my nose gushing blood was overwhelming, staining my face and getting into my lips. I couldn't bear to look up at my reflection, afraid of what I might see.

The voice of the monster inside my head was becoming louder and more persistent, urging me to let go. Despite my efforts to resist, I could hear its low chuckle, taunting me and pushing me toward the edge.

As I felt the icy sensation crawl down my spine, I couldn't help but let out a loud scream, "No, please leave me alone!" Even though I knew there was no one around to hear me, I couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that had taken hold of me.

The voice echoed in my head, accusing me of causing the disappearance of everyone. "Why are they all gone? It was your fault, wasn't it Soo-Nico?" The words stung like a sharp blade, reminding me of the terrible mistake I had made.

I couldn't help but cry as the tears streamed down my face, leaving my cheeks damp. "It wasn't my fault," I pleaded, my voice trembling with emotion. "I didn't mean it!"

The words echoed in my mind, "That's not what they thought!" followed by a disapproving 'tsk tsk' noise as if scolding me. A wave of anxiety washed over me, and I felt my chest tighten as I struggled to catch my breath. "You can forget all about them so you don't have to suffer anymore. Let me in," the voice urged me.

But I couldn't bring myself to trust it. "What do you know about family?" I snapped, my teeth gritted. "You have none. You're just a hallucination!"

The monster's parting words lingered in my mind like a haunting melody. "Maybe but I'll be real soon, the desire is too tempting to resist." The way those words were uttered, with a hint of malicious intent, sent shivers down my spine.

I couldn't help but wonder what sort of dark desire could drive someone to such lengths. It was an enigma that I couldn't unravel, but one thing was for sure - those words would stay with me for a long time.

As I stood before the mirror, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. The urge to let go and release the pent-up emotions was almost too much to handle. My mind was racing, and my heart was beating fast as I struggled to keep everything in check.

I took a deep breath and looked at my reflection, and all I could see was blood. The sight of it made me feel sick, but I had to hold myself together. I turned on the tap and splashed cold water on my face, rubbing it vigorously to wash away the stains of my tears and blood.

I wished someone was there to help me, to offer me comfort and support. But I was alone, and I had to face this on my own. With every passing moment, the pain and agony seemed to intensify, and I struggled to keep my composure.

I vividly remember their faces contoured in pain as they screamed. I watched them perish, a gruesome death but I just stood there in a daze not doing anything.

As I exited the bathroom, I felt a lump form in my throat, and I quickly swallowed back my tears and a loud sob that threatened to escape my lips. I stepped into the lobby

I couldn't help but feel like I was slowly turning into a monster, a hideous creature that roamed the earth. I knew that I was fighting a losing battle, but I was determined to stay in control for as long as I could.

Perhaps, it was my desperate wish to survive this ordeal and keep the memory of my loved ones alive that kept me going. They deserved to be remembered, even if it was by someone who had made a terrible mistake.

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