23| All is lost

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She had stopped breathing in the middle of her sentence when I was trying to kiss her. My mind was completely blank just staring at her dead body in my arms. She had stopped suffering. I began to sob into her neck gripping her body.

She had helped me through so much she was the person that was always there looking out for me trying to protect me. Liked me for me even when knowing I was a monster she still liked me.

And now I couldn't return the favor. I thought she would have survived until the end because of her family. It's not right, I dreamed of dying, I wanted to die but that all changed I wanted to live because I was tired of living in my anger.

I hurt everyone I loved yes I was severely bullied and my family I hated them for what they had done but I still miss them I didn't mean it. I wondered if everything would have been different if I didn't give him those stupid coins none of this would have happened.

I guess I was nice to the wrong person and it backfired on me. Somehow I think this was supposed to happen, but I would have never thought this. It was like living in a horror comic sweet home it would be called but there would be nothing sweet about it.

Soon there was clapping, " well that... that was something worth watching too bad we can't have any more of it." It was Jeung-Seob a smirk was planted on his lips. " take the body out, it'll just be in the way with the others." He raised his hand motioning his men to take her away.

That's when I held on tighter to her. My heartbeat rose As they tried to pull her away. " come on, pretty boy, there's not much you can do with a dead body." He hinted, I almost threw up in my mouth knowing what he meant by it. But I just had to keep my mouth shut, this seemed to piss him off. " Hey, Boss what should we do if he doesn't give?"

The same guy said, flinging his gun on his shoulder, leaning towards Jeung-Seob. The guy chewed on the inside of his left cheek, not sure why? he stepped closer to my group cocking his gun. " if he doesn't well I think I'm just going to have to kill someone else."

He pointed, " on the count of three, someone else will be dead." I looked back at the group fear was in their faces some were shaking and crying. I had no choice no one else needed to die because of me. " one!"

He began to count down. " two!" He put his finger on the trigger. I began to hear whimpering. " three—"

"All alright!!" I gave in letting the same guy takes her. But he was rough, as he dragged her body in one of the other rooms with the others. I could feel my fist clench, as I bared down my teeth. Trying not to lash out.

I was crying furiously, " See that wasn't so hard now was it?" The leader laughed. If only I could scar his other eye. He was getting ready to say something else until another figure stepped into the room.

It was Sun-Young, it was like she was in a daze, with a murderous stare. Blood was all over her neck And in the front of her shirt. One of the men began to shoot at her.

She stumbled, a little bit kept coming as the bullets went throw her. The man's eyes widened as she brought up her hand, I could see her fingers sharping as she jabbed them through the guy's neck.

Blood soon poured out from his mouth and he fell dead to the floor. Behind the guy was Eun-Hyuk guessing he was the reason she got shot Sun-Young was bringing her hand back again about to stab him.

I couldn't let it happen I knew he wouldn't Betray us he had a plan. He could die but I couldn't so I got up and ran over towards him just as I did. I felt her hand stabbed in through my stomach and up my back.

We stared at each other but it was like she didn't recognize me. Her face frowning eyes Harding with anger. I grunted in pain as she pushed in further. I gritted my teeth trying to hold her back.

My eyes were watering again, bringing up my bloodied hands I wrapped mine around her neck. And began to squeeze as tight as possible I could tell she was having trouble breathing and her mouth parted for air.

Chocking, I could feel and hear her bones breaking underneath my grasp. I didn't want to do this but I couldn't let her go around and kill people. As I kept pressing down her eyes rolled in the back of her head.

Face Turing red, tears her running down my cheeks I was getting angry was I put it out all on her until finally she stopped breathing and fell to the floor. I fell to my knees mumbling a sorry, it was until I started to feel funny.

Soon everything went dark and I knew I had passed out. Knowing I had just lost everything that I didn't know that meant the world to me.

3rd P.O.V

As Hyun-Su laid out cold with the group all scared and frightened just now witnessing the murder of their friends. The leader Jeung-Seob had walked over to Hyun-Su crouching down checking out the wound on his back.

Were Sun-Young had stabbed him, "you have Secrets, huh?" He questioned to himself more than to the conscious boy. Thinking he wasn't normal, " Sir, he will recover soon. we should kill all monsters." One of his men told holding his gun tight.

The room was quiet no dared to breathe too loudly scared they might get killed. Bodies all shuffled closely together holding on tight to one another. As someone poured Kerosene all over Sun-Young's dead body.

The smell was strongly burning their Nostril's hairs. Then flicking the lighter they set her body on fire. As yellow and Orange flames came up in a fast blaze.

The crackling was soon heard as they could feel the heat. And a new smell appeared, it made their stomachs turn feeling sick. The smell of dead Flesh and blood was sticking and smelled of iron.

She the woman's clothes began to stick to her they couldn't look away from their friend that didn't deserve this death knowing all her life had been rough even with her Abusive husband.

They had dragged Hyun-Su's body away into the tarnished elevator that had been burned from the previous fire with Jae-Heon and the monster That killed him. They pressed the button to the top floor going up to the roof.

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