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I stared at the boy Crouching down next to his limp body feeling his pulse, to check and see if he was still alive or not. He most likely was but I felt a smooth regular pulse.

I stared at him strangely knowing that fall should have killed him. Getting ready to pick him up and drag the boy out of here I was stopped by two people coming down the stairs.

It was a man and a young girl, he had a sword with a shield and the girl with pink Streaks in her hair was holding a bat and a guitar case.

" was he with you guys?" I asked not sure. They both nodded, it seemed they were out of breath telling by how they were huffing and puffing.

They gathered around him, " is he dead the girl that had screamed asked. I shook my head. " No he's still alive, I checked." She Gave me a confused stare. " how?"

I was getting ready to answer until the Man with the samurai sword beat me to it. " he's infected, he won't die." He told her short and simple.

He's infected his words Kept repeating in my head he won't die. He was like me I thought as we all picked him up and dragged him in the front room and was met by the guy with round glasses.

He kept looking at someone I noticed it was the girl that screamed. " Eun-yoo, are you okay?" He asked her, they must know one another. But she Ignored him walking away with her bag in hand.

They must be brother and sister, " what's wrong with him?" He asked staring at the unconscious teenage boy. " Fell," I informed leaving the infected part out because if everyone knew they would just throw him out.

I didn't care but at the same time it's not right. " he dead?" I shook my head. " but infected." The girl spoke up with the pink hair.

" take him into one of those rooms and we'll figure out what to do with him. You are the survivors right?"

" Yeah, there's more up at one of the apartments still. You're the guy from the speaker right?" The boy with round glasses nodded.

" yes, I'm Eun-Hyuk." After our introductions, we placed the boy in one of the rooms that looked like a hang-out space. Laying him on one of the mattresses they had stored in here everyone left except me.

Eun-hyuk put me In charge of watching over him. In the meantime, I had put up his Electrically Charged Speer that looked like it was made from an end of a broomstick and a Kitchen knife and wires wrapped around it with duck tape.

The boy I didn't know the name of was still passed out, he had blood coming put from the back of his head I could tell because it was making his longish dark hair all wet and stuck together plus it was dripping on the mattress.

Taking out my duffle bag I had someone bring me. I think her name was Ji-Soo I grabbed my medical supplies which consisted of antibiotics, Ointment cream and bandages, and anti-bacterial wipes.

I had stolen from someone's car since his back was facing me laying on his side I took out my wipes cleaning the back of his head adding a little pressure to stop the bleeding it soon did after a minute or two. Then putting a huge thick pad and Secure it with medical tape.

I checked for more wounds and found some right near the edge of his neck and collarbone were too long Gashes. I repeated what I did with the wipes making sure it was all clean and put two huge bandaids on them.

I didn't know why I did this knowing he was going to heal it just I don't like seeing opening wounds. Throwing the plastic paper and blood-stained wipes away.

The young boy tossed and turned in his sleep as if caught in the midst of a troubling nightmare. His head jerked from side to side, suggesting that he might wake up any moment. As I approached him, he suddenly jolted upright, causing me to instinctively take a step back.

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