22| Outside Invaders Pt2

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There were a lot of them, I kept hiding behind Corners, and closets every time they came. Holding big guns walking like they were high a superior. With tattoos all over their faces smirking. It made me want to punch them. As they walked past me without a second glance I waited until they were fully gone so I could continue to go forward. I'm guessing their leader Jeung-Seop had the group.  All in one room gathered up, those bitches were going to pay. Making my way down I heard more footsteps coming my way.

I hid again crouching down, I saw them turn a corner thinking it was one of them but to my surprise it was Sang-Wook. I immediately got up this must have startled him because he pointed the gun right at me. I put my hands up, "Don't shoot it's just me, Soo-Nico!" He seemed to notice lowering the gun down, I sighed in relief. " you okay?" He asked, he must have seen the blood on me. " A little roughed up but I'm fine."

I assured them I wondered if there was anyone else with him. " is it just you?" He nodded, " yeah, I picked up one of their guns." I couldn't tell what type it was I wasn't an expert. " I noticed, but we should stop the small talk before we get caught." Sang-Wook agreed with me we Couldn't risk being heard. We needed to same the others But luck wasn't on our side.

Two men, one heavy set and the other skinny approached pointing their loaded guns at us. " yeah, the little lady is right but it's too late for those sweet cheeks," the guy with the fat guy catcalled. I Mentally puked in my mouth, gripping my weapon I wanted to slash his face in. But Sang-Wook got in front of me pointing his gun at each of them.

It was much larger than there's, and they started to back away. But the guy on the left smirks. " you don't know how to use that do you?" He was looking at the safety of the gun. " no, I do not," before I had time to think about what he said the other guys tried to shoot at us. But Sang-Wook knocked the one on the left with the gun slamming him against the wall so hard it knocked him out or he was probably dead from the blow.

The other one was running towards me picking up a small gun he had charged at me, but I brought up my weapon which was a thick wooden stick that was from a broken chair.  We were pushing against one another but I ended up shoving him to the wired fence wall. I knee him in the nuts using so much force he dropped to the ground along with his weapon. I grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and slung him as he skidded through the floor.

I was surprised by how much strength I had. But he was quick to grab a small ax, getting ready to throw it someone else came running through I was so glad when it was Yi-Kyung. She kicked him in the nuts too, getting him in a chokehold and snapping his neck. Throwing him down to the ground. Sang-Wook seemed a little shocked.

I stared in amazement, " thought you were a fighter?" He questioned. " I used to be in the special forces. How did you find the rifle?" So that's what it was? " I saw you hiding it." He tossed it to her. As she easily caught it checking out the gun Sang-Wook picked up the guy's ax. It wasn't a little bit after we left searching for others who might hide.

As we came into one of the storage rooms, there was a small voice. Looking at the vents we saw Yeong-su, my eyes widened his sister must be with the others. I hurried and climbed on top of a table opening the vent. " Come here." I motioned with my hands for him to come to me, he looked kinda scared. But he crawled over towards me wrapping his small arms around my neck. I brought him down.

" Why did you go in there?" I wondered, how could he get up there by himself. He glanced down. " Well, my mission was to stay hidden. But I saw Yi-Kyung She's a secret agent, too... And Grandpa wasn't coming. so I got scared." He looked down sad, but I just smiled and ruffled his hair. " don't worry about Grandpa, I bet he's just fine." I didn't want to give him false hope. Gil-Seob was stronger than he looked.

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