7| Friendly chat

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After things had settled down Hyun-Su and Suk-Hyun were put back in the now called quarantine room. I felt bad for Hyun-Su being stuck with that guy that wanted to throw him out.

I stood in the hallway right in front of the room. As some of the group was with me, I began to get annoyed with their conversation.

" he just looks like a kid? a handsome kid," Hye-in spoke,

" didn't you see how much he bleed over there and still didn't die? You can't judge someone based on their looks." One of the guys said I still didn't know there are names.

" what if we-" I stopped him before he could say what I think he was going to say. " killing him isn't the solution." I went up to the boy that had the ear Piercings.

" you got a better idea?" I frowned, he was willing to take a person's life. " so I guess you voted in favor huh?"

I took his silence as a yes, I shook my head. Even if I didn't know the guy I would think He would still have a little compassion towards others.

" your all murders if you voted yes!" It would be like this for me if they found out. I decided to keep it a secret. " what if he turns into a monster, Will you leave him like that huh?"

I didn't know? Maybe we deserve what's happening to us I hate to say it but humanity is failing. Ignoring his questions there started a new one. " why is this happening?" The chubby guy whined, he should be grateful he wasn't infected yet. While I'm a ticking-time-bomb.

" is it because of a virus?" If it was a virus I'm pretty sure we all would have it by now. " it's because of radiation!" Hye-in confirmed, thinking she was so sure of it.

I had to laugh, by the way, she said it. " come on you guys, didn't you watch the news? It's because of human desire." I nodded, At least someone got it right.

" oh, it must be because the store owner is so very greedy right?" I could second that. The guy in the white shirt seemed a little offended. " well what about Hyun-Su? What was his desire?"

He questioned about his but didn't think of his own. I already knew about Mine. " you better be careful too, Byeong-ll it seemed your Appetite was out of control." Eun-yoo walked in with her headphones on.

Stopping by the guy in the white shirt confronting him. He was taken back by what she said but couldn't answer because he was Judging Hyun-su but not himself.

" it's the Radiation!" Hye-in Insisted even though we already went over this. " we are being punished. It's god's punishment." We all turned our heads to the girl with short black hair the first person I encountered.

I wouldn't blame God, for doing this. Eun-Yoo seemed to think so too. " yes, I agree that's the best answer I've heard so far. Since we are all human-" Eun-yoo eyes drifted to every single one of us. " no one knows who the next one will be?..."

She smiled leaving the room taking a right to the next hallway. Even though she was blunt, she had a point. Nobody knew but at least I didn't have to spend my time worrying. There's not much you can do if you are already infected.

Not wanting to stick around hearing their Depressing conversation I left taking the same way as Eun-yoo did. Passing the quarantine cell. But then I remembered my bag was still in there.

If I didn't get it Suk-Hyun would eat everything inside. They did say he was greedy. I gap in through the glass I saw Hyun-Su sitting on the Mattress he had his arms Propped upon his knees.

I should be in there not out here, it made me feel guilty seeing him locked up for something he can't help. No matter how much we fight it or want to fight it.

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