Chapter 26

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V looks from the drone in the pink dress to the red one in the crowd and backs away slowly, not realizing what's happening until it's too late. A metal bar shoots up from the ground on either side of V, penetrating both of her forearms, holding them in place and lifting V off of the ground slightly. All of the students throughout the gymnasium begin to run in every direction, trying to reach the exits, but failing to escape due to the red symbol keeping the doors shut. You are frozen in place, not knowing what to do. The girl in the pink dress is thrown out the window by the symbol, while across the stage, a different drone is having her head twisted the other direction, then her body crumpled the floor. 

"Privet, V."
"Hello, V."

The red-eyed girl known as 'Doll' slowly walks forward, destroying a student blocking her patch with a swish of her hand. Her figure glitches slightly as she moves. V screams in pain for a moment. You snap back into reality, spread your wings, and leap into the air, activating a gun and preparing to fire. But before you can shoot, Doll's symbol appears around your arm and twists it painfully until it breaks off. Another one materializes around your waist, throwing you back against the wall. You fall roughly to the ground behind V. Doll focuses her attention back to V.

"V lyubom sluchaye, vy ponyali."
"Anyways, you get it." 

The symbol covers her right eye and another metal beam shoots from the ground, impaling V's torso. With great struggle, V manages to free her right arm. She activates a gun of her own and starts shooting in Doll's direction, but Doll uses her symbol to create a shield-like aura, repelling the bullets. With her other hand, she conjures a butcher's cleaver and launches it at V, slicing her arm clean off. 

Doll reaches her hand upward, removing the ceiling fan and spinning it extremely fast. 

"Holy crap, what is she doing!?"

Uzi asks, shocked.

"This isn't what I expected at all!"

N yells.  

"I-I guess we should..."

He trails off, looking at your dismembered figure across the room with a fearful expression. Uzi groans loudly, annoyed at the thought of helping V. Doll launches the fan at V, who freezes in terror. 

Just before the spinning metal blades reach her, N leaps up and kicks the fan away, doing a sick backflip in the process. Uzi grabs the meat cleaver off of the ground and throws it at Doll, who uses her symbol to knock it out of the way. This distracts her to the point where the symbol blocking the exit disappears, allowing the students to escape. 

"Uzi, ty by deystvitel'no vstal na storonu Dronov-ubiyts?"
"Uzi, you would really side with the Murder Drones?"

Doll asks, sounding betrayed. N runs over to you and helps you up as your arm regenerates.

"YA ne yedinstvennyy, kto poteryal iz-za nikh sem'yu!" 
"I'm not the only one who's lost family to them!"

Doll says angrily. 

"Bite me!"

Uzi yells.

"Whoever started this wants us to fight. I'm not dealing with anything well, but... I'm done dealing with everything alone."

She looks at you and N with a small smile. You return the favor.

"We move forward together, or not at all."

She says defiantly. 


Doll looks at Uzi, slightly disappointed. 

"No mne ne nuzhna pomoshch'."
"But I don't need help."

She lifts up her hands, readying her power. Another metal rod ejects from the floor, penetrating N's leg and causing you to stumble backwards into Uzi, who then falls off the stage along with the mic stand. Doll brings two more fans down from the ceiling and launches them at you. N pushes you out of the way, and as if in slow motion, he gives you a thumbs up and a sad smile. You fall to the ground as N and V are torn to pieces by the spinning blades. 

You quickly stand up and fly to the ceiling. Doll creates another knife and throws it at Uzi. You hear a wet squelch and look down, seeing Uzi with her arm outstretched, the knife lodged deep into her hand and going all the way through. She pulls it out, causing some oil to splatter onto the ground, then starts laughing manically as she slowly walks towards Doll.

You grab on to a ceiling light, causing it to swing slightly, and aim your gun at Doll. The moving of the light catches Doll's attention, and she looks up at you. She lifts up yet another knife and hurls it at you, missing your head by inches, but cutting the wire that held the light to the ceiling. You open your wings and use your bodyweight to swing the light fixture around. After gaining enough momentum, you release the light at just the right time to launch it directly at Doll. She lifts her hand and changes its trajectory, making it swing around her and fly back at you, catching you off guard. The light crashes into your left shoulder and causes you to fall. You fall flat on your back, arms and wings outstretched. Doll causes another metal rod to shoot up from the ground and pierce your stomach. You yelp and cough up a bit of oil as she slowly walks towards you. Uzi runs in front of you, knife in-hand, blocking Doll's path. Doll lifts her symbol and points it at Uzi. A warning code flashes on her screen.

--// ERROR: absoluteSolver_trn

[like object non-interactive]

She throws another knife at Uzi, who knocks it away with a knife of her own. Visibly concerned, Doll begins to back away.

"Absolute Solver"? What the hell is that?

Uzi finds the mic stand that fell off the stage earlier, and kicks it at Doll. The stand stops mid-air in front of Doll, and a holographic tab appears.

HALT. EXE. . .



The mic stand duplicates, and both copies are launched towards Uzi, one after the other. The first one knocks her over and lodges into the ground. The other one strikes the floor on her other side. The mic stands are then twisted together, pinning her down. Uzi's knife slides across the floor, and is picked up by Doll's 'Absolute Solver'. She brings it towards her and makes several copies that are then aimed at and launched towards you and Uzi. The two of you brace yourselves for impact, but it doesn't come. You open your eyes and see N standing in front of you with his wings outstretched. 

"You good?" 

He asks with a concerned expression, looking at the metal pole poking out of your stomach. 

"Yeah, than-"


Uzi interrupts you and frees herself from the mic stands holding her down. She leaps out of the way of a chair flying her way. 

You grab the pole and, with great struggle, manage to pull it out of your abdomen and toss it to the side. N lends you his hand, and you take it. He quickly pulls you up and spins you around. He then places his hands on your hips, and you rest your hands on his shoulders as the two of you follow a series of steps, swiftly dodging flying objects in the form of a dance. You are too fixated on avoiding the chairs, tables, and knives to notice that you are romantically dancing with N. He suddenly pulls you closer and bends down, narrowly avoiding a folding chair, but also making you lean backwards. 

Your visors are very close.

Time seems to slow down as you look into his eyes. N wraps one arm around your waist and shoots bullets at Doll with the other.

Damn that's hot.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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