Chapter 1

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You are Y/N, 19 years old, and looking for a job. For the past few days, you have been searching on your laptop for job applications, but to no avail. You just started college and you NEED the money. You got fired from McDonald's last week because you threw a burger at a Karen's face. (Worth it)

After searching for hours, you close your laptop and sit up to stretch. You look at the clock and it reads 4:15 AM. You groan loudly, forgetting that your roommate is sleeping on the bunk above you. You hear her rustle a bit and then settle down. You hop off the bed and make your way towards the window in the dark, being careful not to bump into anything. The small town is quiet and comfortable. The street lamps glow gently and the trees sway ever so slightly.

You sigh quietly, as looking out the window always seemed to bring you peace. As much as you love the town you live in, you are desperate to leave.

You feel trapped like a bug in a jar, and it's driving you insane. Your parents practically threatened you into going to college and all of the staff and students suck. Except for F/N (friend's name). F/N is one of the very few things keeping you sane right now. You are so fixated on leaving but F/N refuses to. Don't they want to go and see the world? F/N keeps saying that they like it right here in town, but you sense that there is something they are not telling you.

You slowly make your way back to your bunk, yawning. You lay down and drift off into an uneasy sleep, worrying about F/N and the inescapable town.




" Y/N!!"

Your roommate's shrill voice causes you to yelp and almost fall out of bed.


You yell at her and run your hand through your messy hair.

"Your stupid alarm keeps going off!"

Claire shouts and points to your alarm clock, which is beeping loudly.

"How did that not wake you up!? Also, it's a freaking Saturday! Why do you have an alarm on a SATURDAY?!"

Claire is still yelling and you flinch slightly.

"I forgot to turn it off last night! Good lord!"

Claire glares at you and turns around to leave, flipping her curly blonde hair in the process. You should call her curly fry. Never mind... she would definitely cut your hair off while you were asleep. You bury you face in your hands, trying to remember what dream you had last night. Meanwhile, you hear your roommate's fancy-ass high heels clomping on the ground as she stomps away and slams the door.

As you struggle to think of what dream you just had, your phone chimes. You lift your head up and grab your phone, which was sitting on the night stand next to you. New Email.

Email? Who sends those anymore? I'll read it later. How important could it be?

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