Chapter 21

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You, N, Uzi, Collin, and Thad walk to the dance floor.


Collin stands in front of you.

"Show me what you got."

You think for a moment. The only dances you know how to do are from Youtube shorts and cringe Tiktoks. You decide to push those aside and put something together on your own.

You start by slowly doing the grapevine, while swinging your arms from side to side, then you spin, while keeping one foot in front of you. You do this surprisingly gracefully, but it's kind of boring. Collin just stares for a moment after you finish.

"...What was that?"

You look away in embarrassment.

"I already told you, I can't dance."

"No, don't get me wrong, that was awesome! I've just never seen anything like it!"

You look around and see the other drones dancing very differently than what you're used to.

You turn and see N bouncing around like a little kid. It's absolutely adorable. You try so hard not to laugh, but you end up making a snorting sound.

"Alright, let me show you how we usually dance!"

Collin says, also holding back laughter. He shows you a few simple moves, which you easily get the hang of.

After about 2 hours of dancing, you, N, and Uzi sit down at a table for a break. You spot the same two girls who were glaring at you earlier making their way towards you with Thad.

"Hey, just got a couple more people I want you to meet!"

Thad says jovially.

You pretend to forget all of the dirty looks you received from the girl in the golden sequins and hold out your hand.

"Hi, I'm Serial Designation B."

You say politely.


She looks at your hand in disgust. You ignore her snobby attitude and offer your hand to the girl in the leather jacket instead.


She doesn't take it either. A solid minute spent full of intense eye contact. Thad, obviously uncomfortable, tries to ease the tension.

"So glad you guys came! It's been a lot of fun!"

"Yeah, you're welcome. Totally didn't make us feel like freaks when we arrived."

Uzi says, smiling and rolling her eyes. Thad puts his hand on the back of his neck.

"I know, sorry about that. But I've been telling everyone about you guys! That's why they got so excited! I just didn't mention the fact that B and N are..."

He trails off.

"Vicious Murder Drones?"

Phoebe says, crossing her arms. You glare at her.

"Why do you call us that, anyways? I get that we... eat worker drones and everything... but, we're called Disassembly Drones. Calling us Murder Drones just makes us look bad."

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