Chapter 3

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You lay in bed, wide awake. It is currently 1:32 in the morning, and you can't stop thinking.

Will I get to meet the founder of JCJenson? Will the company's worker drones look different than the ones we have here in town? Will they be kind? What is the job? Will I be working on drones? Some sort of mechanic? Will I get to go to space?! No... no, no, I'm getting ahead of myself.

You lift up your arms and rub your eyes. You really need to get to sleep. After wondering for a long time, you finally fall asleep around 3:30.


You hear a knock at the door. You get up from the table, where you were sitting and scrolling through Facebook.  You open the door. The drone standing there is very tall, you cannot see its face. It bends down slightly to look at you, then you see it. A smile spreads across its face as it sees you, and its visor displays a yellow 'X'. It reaches out a hand and you back away instinctively. The drone bends down and walks through the doorway. Your eyes widen in fear, and you feel sweat dripping down your back.

"Do-o not res-sist."

The drone's voice is low and choppy. It follows you slowly. You look at the drone's hands and see them retract into its forearm vesicle, then claws return in their place. Long, sharp, and deadly. It reaches out to you, and you scream loudly.  You begin to shake violently. The drone opens its mouth again. It's voice is different, calling your name.


It sounds like... Claire?

You tilt your head in confusion.


You open your eyes and see Claire, reaching over and shaking you with her hand on your shoulder. You sit up quickly and look around wildly. Your breathing is heavy and you feel cold sweat on the back of your neck. You look back at Claire. She looks at you with an expression of fear and concern.

"Y/N, what the hell was that?! You started screaming in your sleep!"

You slow down your breathing and put a hand on your forehead to steady yourself.

"S-sorry, Claire. I just had a really bad dream."

You look back at her and she looks at you, worried.

"Okay. Well, if you wanted to see your grandparents, then you better get going. Its already 10:27."

Your eyes widen and you whip your head to look at the clock. She's right. 


You turn and push yourself off of the bunk to start getting ready.

"What are you so worried about? You gonna be late to your grandparent's house?"

Claire mused.

"No, I just told them when I would be there, and I don't want to keep them waiting"

You say quickly.

You rush to eat breakfast and get dressed. As you brush your teeth, you look at your watch: 10:53. You hear the door open in the hallway and Clair's high pitched scream. They're early.

You put down your toothbrush and hurriedly spit out your toothpaste. You run out into the hallway and see Claire at the door. She's talking to two worker drones. They look normal. Short, seemingly no weapons.

"Are you Y/N L/N?"

One of the drones asks Claire.

"N-no, I'm Claire Jones."

The other worker drone spots you standing in the hallway and points.

"I think that's them."

The first worker drone looks and nods. Claire turns around and looks at you with fear in her eyes.

"Y-Y/N.. what's going on?"

You are at a loss for words.

"They need to come with us."

One of the worker drones answers. Claire is shocked.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier."

You say, looking at your feet in shame. Claire just gives you a look of disbelief. One of the worker drones looks back at you.

"Please follow us."

You grab your suitcase and head out the door with the drones.

As you walk down the hallway, a few people look at you, whispering to each other, some taking pictures. You try your best to ignore them. You feel like a freak.

Once you make it outside, the drones lead you to a limousine. One of the drones hops into the drivers' seat, while the other opens the door for you, then goes to sit in the passenger seat. You are quiet the entire time, staring out the window. About an hour into the ride, you can't stand the silence any more.

"So uh... what are your names?"

You ask awkwardly.

The drone in the passenger seat turns too look at you.

"Well, we usually get called by our serial numbers, but you can call me Elle . It's more human-like, I guess" (the letter L but spelled "elle" because I don't want to write L, it's weird.)

The seemingly female drone says.

The driver looks at you in the mirror.

"You can call me T. Just the letter."

You smile, glad that the drones are easy to talk to.

"Well, it's nice to meet you guys."

T and Elle both smile back. You feel a lot less awkward now that you don't have to call them Drone 1 and Drone 2.

T clears his throat

"Uh, Y/N?"


You look up.

"That girl in your dorm room. Who was that?"

"Oh, that was my roommate, Claire."

You say.

"Are you friends?"

T asks.

"Well, we're sort of like frenemies."

You see the confused look on T's face.

"It means that we do stuff together, but we also like argue a lot and tell rude jokes. It's not like we hate each other's guts or anything."

You explain.

T nods in understanding.

"Are you and Elle friends? Or just co-workers?"

You ask.

"We've known each other for quite some time. I'd say we're pretty close friends."

Elle replies. T nods in agreement.

This back-and-forth conversation goes on for a long time, you didn't even notice it getting dark outside.

"We're here"

T says, as you feel the vehicle coming to a stop. You look out the window and see what appears to be a bunker door. You step out of the limo and walk alongside T and Elle towards the door. You head inside and follow a long flight of stairs into the JCJenson headquarters.

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