Chapter 16

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Cameras flash as an investigation takes place. You have no idea what had happened, but it must have been brutal, as there is a worker drone body in pieces on the floor. Caution tape is scattered around all entrances. There are six (alive) worker drones at the scene. Two are investigating a vending machine on one side of the room, while two are taking notes in a corner across from them. There are also two in the middle, examining the body. The man in the middle is holding a camera, while the woman in glasses next to him is holding a cup of coffee.

"Yeah, where's Khan? 'Cause this looks, uh..."

The male bends down next to the body and cringes at the horrid sight.


The woman takes off her glasses and bends down next to him.

"Parent-teacher conference? Something about his daughter being more important than building a door in this hallway. Ugh, kinda cringe..."

She says with disgust.

"Eww, yeah-"

He gags.

"Oh, give me a minute. Ah, yeah. Okay. Almost threw up."

He says, getting himself together.

You, Uzi, N and Thad peek around the corner. You heard the whole thing and it makes you feel bad for Uzi.

"You good?"

You ask, concerned.

"I'm good. Stop asking!"

She pushes your head away in annoyance.

She makes some weird hand gestures that make no sense, then she starts walking. You assume she just wants you to follow her. N and Thad do so, but you decide to stay behind and spectate for a bit longer.

"I'll catch up"

You mouth the words to them and they nod, continuing down the hall.

"Any forensic... things... over there?"

The lady next to the body asks the people by the vending machine.

"Do we have fingerprints?"

She wonders, looking down at her hand, then puts her glasses back on.

The workers don't answer. Within a second, both of them glitch and disappear. They were holograms. The woman looks over to where they were, but she doesn't see them. She turns to look at the cameraman and the people taking notes, and they look at her. They wave and one of them salutes before all three of them glitch and dissipate as well.

She starts looking around wildly as all of the caution tape glitches away. She looks down and the body is gone.

She lifts up her coffee cup to take a sip, but it disappears without a trace. She looks at her hand in shock, then something lands on it. It's a drop of oil that fell from the ceiling. She looks up slowly and removes her glasses, showing her fearful eyes.

You follow her gaze and do everything you can to not scream.


/// N'S POV \\\

"You guys... do that often?"

Uzi points her flashlight at some oil dripping down the walls. I chuckle nervously.

"Ha-ha, no. I'm very concerned, but, also..."

I shoot finger guns.

"Pretty frightened, a little bit."

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