Chapter 9

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You wait at the broken window for the sun to go down, watching as it slowly recedes back into the trees. Before N and V left last night, N said he would meet you on the roof at 9:30 so you can go hunting together. It's currently 8:25 and you're super bored. You look around the building for something to do, but all you see is junk. After about ten minutes of exploring, you notice that it's finally dark enough outside and you head out.

You land on the roof, looking around. Something doesn't feel right... Your body starts twitching and you lose your balance, falling down. Your screen begins glitching and your vision fades into nothingness.


You sit up, wide awake. You check the time, and it's only 8:28. Only a few minutes? It felt like you were out for hours... You slowly stand up and check your surroundings. What caused you to glitch out so bad?

In the distance, you see a group of worker drones climbing on a broken down car. They look like the literal textbook definition of a bad-influencing teen gang. The drone standing on top of the car is wearing a leather jacket, the guy sitting next to him looks like he's high on drugs, some kid with long black hair and a hoodie is standing around kicking up snow, and a dude with messy hair under a beanie wearing a rock band shirt looks like he has issues with his nonexistent girlfriend.

"Yo. Carl. Dude."

The kid wearing the leather jacket seems to be talking to the drone who probably did some robot version of weed earlier.

"Huh? Bro, what?"

He says, looking up, clearly not paying attention.

"Dude I dare you to try and fight one of the murder drones."

"Murder drones"? That's what they call us?

The kid with the jacket smirks.

"You're stupid, bro...

I'm gonna kill that thing!"

He yells, accepting the challenge.

This is gonna be fun...

You decide to "help" the guy out and jump off of the roof, landing on your feet. The group turns to look at you. The kid with the jacket pushes the crackhead off the car, making him fall face first into the snow.

"Kick its ass, Carl!"

The kid with the long black hair shouts. Carl slowly gets up and grabs a metal pipe nearby.

"C'mere! I'm gonna SMASH you, bitch!"

You do your best to keep a straight face while the entire gang just stares at him.


He pauses, just now realizing what he said.

"It's on, bruh."

You say in a mocking angsty teen voice. Carl strikes a very exaggerated fighting pose, in an attempt to be intimidating. You simply cross your arms, lift an eyebrow, and grin.

"Hit me. I dare you."

Carl runs up and bonks you in the leg as hard as he can with his metal pipe. You feel no pain, you didn't even flinch. Still grinning, you look down at the idiot.

"Wanna try that again, 'tough guy'?"

You say, threateningly. Of course, the kid is too fucked up to even realize how much danger he's in. He hits you again, in the head this time. No reaction.

"Fool, I told you not to use that weird hard-drive shit that Alex gave you!"

The kid with the potential girlfriend problems calls out. Carl goes to hit you again, but you catch the metal pipe mid-swing. You pull it out of his grip, bend it in half with one hand, and throw it to the side.

"Next, your neck."

You retract your claws and widen your smile. Before you attack, you see something behind the group. It's N. He's sneaking up on them. He looks at you and gives you a thumbs up, then holds up three fingers, starting to count down. You quickly catch on, and the two of you react havoc the moment N puts his last finger down.

You run up to the crackhead and tear his head off his shoulders. Meanwhile, N is busy chasing down the drone with the rock band shirt. The rest of the gang attempts to scatter, but you kill them off, one by one before they can escape. Once you finish, you turn back and see N using his mouth to hold the kid by his leg, swinging him around like a dog with a chew toy. He then lets him go, flinging him a few feet, and pounces, viciously ripping the drone into pieces. He finally stands up, breathing heavily.

"Good god, N. What did he do to you?"

You ask, half surprised, half impressed. N avoids eye contact, looking embarrassed.

"He, uh... he said that he and his gang were going to... kill you."

He looks away. You tilt your head.

"It upset you that much?"

"It's just... since J kind of... tried to kill you yesterday, I guess I was..."

He puts his hand on the back of his neck.


He says, uncertainly.

"N, you don't need to worry. J couldn't kill me if she tried. You think a worker's gonna do shit?"

You smile at him reassuringly. He returns the favor.


"Okay, so let me get this straight..."

N starts, casually drinking a worker drone's oil. The two of you are still cleaning up after the whole "teenaged angsty gang" fiasco.

"You make this sort of contraption consisting of two wheels and some other pieces of metal and you... ride it?"

"It's called a bike, yeah"

"But... why? I mean, isn't flying a way more effective form of transportation?"

"Well, yes, but it's expensive. Humans don't have wings, but we- I mean THEY still have helicopters and airplanes and stuff."

You explain.

"It's also a form of entertainment. It was my favorite thing to do when I was a kid."

N's eyes widen.

"YOU were a HUMAN?!"

N drops the carcass he was drinking from.


"Uh, yeah..."

You put your hand on the back of your neck.

"How does that work??"

"Long story short... I got an Email from JCJens-"

"What's an Email?"

N interrupts.

"A form of communication between humans"

You answer.

"As I was saying, I got a job opportunity working for JCJenson, and they sent a couple of worker drones to pick me up and take me to HQ. I went through training and got to wear a VR set to simulate-"

"What's a VR set?"

N interrupts again. He's just like a little kid that asks too many questions.

"It's this cool thing you put on your face to make you see things. So I was going through training and then got put in this weird machine, then Gina pulled the lever and-"

"What's a Gina?"

Jesus Christ, this is going to take forever.

"Some old lady who probably spends most of her time drinking booze at a strip club. And then-"

"What's booze? And what's a-"

"Doesn't matter!"

You say, hastily, not wanting to ruin N's innocence.

"So I got put in this machine and boom, here I am."

N, however, seems to still be wondering what the hell booze is.

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