Truth- everyone

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They had all been talking to their partner for a few minutes until they decided to keep talking to each other. They were well aware that they weren't all inclusive of eachother and they were trying to fix it. They wanted to all be friends instead of just being 3 couples who are trapped together. They all got their attention together and Constance started talking. "Okay so like it's getting late and I've had this question for a long time so I feel like we should talk about it. What was it like of all of you to die? I don't mean to be insensitive but like I want to know. We can go in a circle and share." She said. She didn't want to have everyone start crying, so she was hoping this would have a good outcome. "Okay, but like can we all simultaneously agree not to cry please?" Ocean asked. Ocean was sick of everyone crying, even though it was normal. Everyone agreed. "So is this like, trauma dumping?" Noel asked. When Constance said yes, Noel was excited because he felt that tragedy vibe he'd always wanted. and they started talking in the order they were sitting in. They had promised to give everyone time to explain their whole story before they'd start talking.

Constance was the first to speak because she was the first person to the left of the room. "Ok so it was super weird, I'm going to try to go to the first thing that happened. So we got on the roller coaster and ocean was so scared, I'm like- never going to forget it. Once we got to the first drop Ocean passed out like immediately and at first I thought it was so funny. So it kept going until we got to the third loop de loop, you know, the one where it de-railed. So once it got unattached from the railing, ocean woke up. Just in time to die I guess. I remember this so vividly. My guess is Ocean was the first to die. She was only awake for a few seconds before she died, I'm guessing it was out of shock? I'll let her explain. I felt like I was alive for agonizingly long, a few of you had stopped screaming by the time I realized I was dying. It was quieter now, only a few of you were still screaming. I don't really know what happened but the whole cart was flying in the air and I think I fell out, similar to some of you. By the way, I saw Noel fall out a few minutes before and watched him break his legs. That was terrifying. Anyways, I fell out and think that I must have hit something. There was a few seconds that I felt like I was in awful pain, and then it stopped. I was still conscious for a few more seconds and then I knew I'd died. I heard ringing in my ears and then just felt this like relief feeling. It was kind of awesome." Constance said, smiling. She didn't remember the accident through an awful tragedy lens, but in a way that felt like the biggest thrill of her life. "That seems terrifying. How many people died before you?" Noel asked. "I'm guessing 3 or 4. You were one of them." Constance said. Noel was fidgeting with his fingers, nervous. "You can talk now, Ocean." Constance told her, smiling. She held her hand to make it not as hard of a topic for ocean to talk about.

Ocean started talking next. "It was awful. I remember boarding and being terrified, I heard the cart moving and I knew it was shaky. I've always hated wooden roller coasters, and I knew the cyclone was very old. Anyways, I woke back up and realized what was happening to me. I saw our cart was flying and I was in complete shock. I didn't even really experience my death, I was passed out for more than half. I didn't live for long, I assume I was the first or second to die. I remember my last thoughts, I was thinking, 'I wonder if I'll go to heaven when I die.' I'd always been so worried about that and it was really one of the scariest moments I'd ever lived. I remember I was fastened into the cart like crazy, I stayed in it and I think that's why I was found very easily." Ocean said. When they'd got there, they all were told how they were found and what the public's reaction to their death was. "You stayed in the cart after you died for as long as I was still there." Constance said. "I think you were the first unless Ricky or Jane died first, but I'm doubting either of those happened unless one of them says otherwise." Mischa said to her. Ocean nodded and told Ricky to go next since he was on the next bunk bed over.

Ricky took a deep breath and started talking. "It was honestly a bit of a relief. But it was also the most agonizing experience of my entire life. We got on the cyclone and I was terrified. I hated roller coasters because I sat behind all of you and no one was there to hold my hand or anything. Anyways, when we de-railed, I wanted to scream so bad but I couldn't. It was awful. I had to sit there in silence while all of you got to say your last words or whatever. I remember just sitting in the cart waiting to die. First I noticed Ocean died because her whole body was just jumping around and looked stiff. It was terrifying to watch her turn sort of pale. I saw Noel fly out next, He fell onto the ground screaming and I looked over the cart to see he landed on his legs and I heard a loud snapping sound as I realized he'd broken both of his legs. I had to look away because I didn't want to watch him die. Then I saw Mischa start crying and he got hit in the face with Oceans hair repeatedly. When we went over those tracks, Some girls legs, who I'm now assuming was Jane, kicked me as she fell out and then got ran over. I'm assuming she got ran over but I don't want to make assumptions because I guess no one knows. My point is she fell face first out of the cart and kicked me. I think I died next. I'd wanted to just jump out and I would have if I could, but I just died. I don't even know what happened. Shock, I guess. It was kind of peaceful though after, like I could just relax until we got here. It was like the most perfect sleep ever- and you aren't tired when you wake up from it." Ricky said in awe, remembering how it felt to just get some rest. He hated what happened to him, but he thought the story was fun to tell. Everyone nodded at him with sympathy. "You can go next, Jane." He said, arms around her.

"I don't remember anything. I guess I fell out of the cart and got my head ran right over. I do remember one thing. I told Ricky one time. I couldn't really see, but I could hear. I'm pretty sure every single one of you was dead because I heard the cart drop to the ground and no one was screaming at all. My head hurt awfully, and I could hear everyone around us was screaming. Just not all of you. Everything hurt so bad and then it stopped and I was only conscious for a few more seconds. I died alone. I only remember the last seconds of my life. I remember Karnak telling me no one knew who I was and my body was found just below the rails of the fourth loop that I guess you all fell out of and Ricky saw me fall out of. I died alone." Jane said with a completely straight face. "I'm sorry. I can't imagine dying alone." Ocean told her. She told her it was fine and signaled for Mischa to talk next.

Mischa talked quickly. "I don't really remember anything. I forgot most of it. I remember seeing Noel die, it was really gruesome. His legs broke and snapped and he fell forward, face hitting the ground. It was bloody and disgusting. I kept seeing Oceans hair in my face. It made me so mad but I didn't realize she was dead. My legs kept swinging and hitting Oceans seat when I flew right out. I don't know what happened but I was near Noel. I tried to crawl but I think I was paralyzed. I was only a few feet away, and I tried to move but couldn't. I would've died right next to Noel but didn't. I couldn't move at all." Mischa said. He really didn't remember anything at all. He just remembered the feeling of staring at Noel's face for a few seconds before he died. Noel's eyes were wide open, and his face was pale and lifeless. "You talk now, Noel." He said, shaking. His arms were wrapped around Noel, hiding  his head in his shoulder.

Noel was terrified by how every single person described his death. "I didn't see anyone die, I was too busy thinking to be honest. I fell out of the cart pretty quickly. So my arms were flailing in the air as I hit the floor with both my legs. I felt so much pain because both of my legs snapped as I fell forward by where you would board the ride. Then I died. I don't have much of a story to my death, but it was kind of fun." Noel laughed. He always wanted to die tragically, so he was happy to know that was exactly what happened.

"I wanted to know the truth. Now I think I was better without knowing everything that happened." Constance said, shaking.
Authors note:

2 more chapters. Help. Just kidding I love you all 😊 I have to write blackrose next and I find writing that ship really hard for no reason so pls send me help.

Word count: 1735!

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