Full choir- Movies (Part 2, Anastasia 🙂)

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Pre authors note:
Hi guys I am so sorry for not updating 🙂 I've been kind of busy but I'll write a few chapters today! ❤️ I also need to come up with the plot for this so it's kind of crazy I have no idea how to start this so I'm going to try my absolute hardest 🔥

Jane ran back in the room with the DvD for her new favorite movie. She heard some of the songs while she was in the warehouse, so it became her favorite movie because she felt like it was really relatable to her. No one else had seen the movie before, so some of them were excited, some people weren't. "How do you use this?" Jane asked, holding the DvD. Noel got up and helped her set it up. Everyone went to sit back down as the movie started playing. Not even 4 minutes into the movie, Noel said, "this movie is so boring. There is no plot to this." Rolling his eyes. Noel had a really hard time paying attention to movies. "Because we're like 10 minutes in, obviously it isn't very good yet." Ocean told him, turning around to talk to him. "Fine." Noel said, leaning back. Mischa put his middle finger up to Ocean, who gasped. Noel laughed and kissed Mischa on the cheek. Ocean leaned back in her bean bag, crossing her arms. "Ocean is a cunt." Noel whispered, making Constance turn around. "Why would you say that? That's really mean." Constance said. Sometimes she was scared to stick up for people, but not right now. Ricky laughed and rolled his eyes. "You guys are so gay." Ocean got up and left the room, offended. Jane paused the movie. "Is she ok?" She asked. "I'm sure she's fine." Constance smiled awkwardly, running to Ocean, accidentally slamming the door. The rest of the choir sat against the door, listening. "It's ok, Ocean. You know Noel, he was obviously kidding. You also know that Noel would be there for you if you were upset." Constance told Ocean, unaware of the fact everyone was listening. Noel smiled. He wasn't very sure if Constance thought he was sweet, so he was happy to hear it. "I guess. Let's go back." Ocean said, making Noel offended. "I love you." Ocean said, kissing Constance. They all ran back to their bean bags so that Ocean and Constance wouldn't hear, making a loud noise. Ocean walked back in first, her forehead wrinkled. Jane turned the movie back on. Once upon a December started playing and Anastasia's dress changed to a beautiful yellow. "I love her dress. What is it?" Jane whispered to Ricky. "Yellow?" Ricky responded, turning his head to look at her. "Yeah, Yellow!" Jane smiled, amazed. "That's my new favorite color." She smiled at Ricky. "I love you so much." Ricky smiled at her, kissing her. Mischa turned around. "We can not watch one movie without you guys being weird as fuck, you guys sit back there being weird and it's so annoying." Mischa yelled, his accent coming out. Jane side eyed him. When Mischa turned around rolling his eyes, Noel thought it was kind of funny, going to high five Jane. She smiled at Noel, her best friend!

Constance and Ocean sat in the front, laughing about what was happening behind them. While everyone else was turned around, bickering, Constance started making out with Ocean. When Noel turned back around, Constance abruptly pulled away from her and acted like nothing was happening. As the movie started ending, Constance looked at the old antique clock in their room. "Guys, we are supposed to be meeting up with Karnak right now!" Everyone got up, leaving the movie playing.

Authors note:
Hi guys! I had fun writing this! I am going to write the next chapter now! Look at this picture I found! Loveyou guys!❤️❤️

—————————————————————————Authors note:Hi guys! I had fun writing this! I am going to write the next chapter now! Look at this picture I found! Loveyou guys!❤️❤️

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Word count: 650!

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Word count: 650!

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