My story- Spacedolls

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No pre authors note ☹️

Jane and Ricky sat on Jane's bunk, the top bunk. Jane wrote on a piece of paper she found while Ricky watched her. She wasn't really writing, she just drew random pictures.Ricky asked her, "Jane, do you remember anything?" Jane raised her head, looking at him emptily. She wished she had some kind of emotion behind her pitch black eyes. "I remember.. not a lot. One single thing." Jane said. She was upset at the mention of her memories. She remembered things from the warehouse, but only one thing from being alive. She brought herself together. "I remember one thing. It was the day of the fair. It was my death. I didn't.. I didn't see it." She paused, going to hug him. "I'm sorry. I hate how much I've been crying. I promise I don't cry this much. I don't think so." She said looking up at him. She hated how much she cried. She'd been trying to stop, but she was very emotional in the afterlife. "Go on, you've got this. You're so strong, Jane. The strongest I know." Ricky said to her. Noel and Mischa were silently watching. Jane's shoulders started to shake. She tried to hide from Ricky that she was crying, so she didn't talk. "Are you crying Jane? I'm so sorry." Ricky said. "No, I'm fine." Jane said, with shaky breath. She was crying. She was lying. She collected herself and sat back up. Ricky looked down to see a tear stain on his shirt from Jane. "Ok, it was the very last few seconds I was alive. I couldn't see or talk but I knew I was alive and I heard everyone screaming." Jane's face scrunched up, visibly crying. "And then I died. Alone." She said, crying more. She started shaking her head and hiding it in her hands.

"I shouldn't have mentioned that Jane. I'm so sorry." Ricky said. Jane was hyperventilating, which was common when she cried. This grabbed Mischa's attention. "Is Jane ok?" Mischa asked. He couldn't really see since her head was in Ricky's lap, the same way Noel would lay in Mischa's lap. "She's ok, don't worry." Mischa went back to talking to Noel. "How about you lay down? I'm worried for you." Ricky told Jane. He treated everyone how he dreamed of being treated during his life. "I don't want to lay up here or I might fall off." Jane told him, looking up at him. "I'll bring you down." Ricky said. His arms had gotten very strong. Maybe they had always been. No one really knew. He picked her up like how you'd hold a toddler. He carried her down to the bottom bunk, his bed. Ocean asked her,  "Jane, why did you pick the top bed if you just sleep in Ricky's bed every night?" While she patted makeup onto Constance's face. Ocean didn't realize, somehow, that Jane was hyperventilating. Ricky put Jane down and then shrugged his shoulders to Ocean and laughed. Constance couldn't move since Ocean was doing her makeup. "Is she ok?" She asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. Love you guys!" Jane said. She had just learned that you can tell your friends you love them. Jane got under Ricky's blanket. He had a weighted blanket, which she loved. "Do you want me to stay here with you until you feel better?" Ricky asked Jane. "Yes, please." Jane said. Ricky layed (lied?) down next to her, kissing her forehead.

"What are your best memories, Ricky?" Jane asked, her head buried in his chest. Ricky looked down at her and said, "Not to many good things. Hospitals, hospital, joining the choir, my birthday parties where I did nothing, everything." "I'm sorry." Jane said. "Don't be sorry at all. I'm happy because now I can enjoy what I have and be able to be with my friends and talk to them, finally, and now I can love you." Ricky said. Jane kissed him. "I love you." She whispered. "I love you too." He smiled. She kissed him one more time, but for a lot longer. "Ew, get a room." Noel said, mocking what Ricky said to him last night. Jane laughed and kissed Ricky's cheek before burying her head in his chest again before taking a short nap.

Authors note:

I love this chapter
I'm SO SORRY for my previous blackrose chapters I promise I'm going to do them justice next time I write about them bc these last chapters with them are not the best
Love yo guys ❤️

spinning- a ride the cyclone fan fiction 🩶Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang