random games- full choir

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Everyone started coming back at their own times. Except for Ricky and Jane. Noel and Mischa and Constance and Ocean met up in the hallway. "Should we just go back to our room?" Constance said, yawning. It was 6:10, it only took 10 minutes for everyone to sort everything out. "Yeah, let's go." Noel said, smiling. He was happy and smiling because Mischa had his arm around him. They got up and walked into the room to see Ricky and Jane sleeping again. "Why are you always sleeping? Are you guys incapable of staying up for 2 minutes?" Ocean asked. Ricky opened his eyes. "I'm not sleeping though." He mouthed to her, looking down at Ocean. Ocean rolled her eyes and got louder. "But no one wants to sit around while we wait for your girlfriend to wake up and every single day this happens." Ocean yelled. Jane jolted awake. "I'm sorry." She said, standing up immediately. Ocean rolled her eyes. "Be nice." Constance whispered to her. Trying to not get in an argument, ocean said. "I'm sorry." Jane and Ricky took her apology, neither of them were really offended. "Want to do something else?" Noel asked everyone. "Sure, we can go play games?" Constance said. She didn't like to make decisions by herself, and she wanted other people's opinion before making her own choice. "Yeah, let's go-" Mischa said, being interrupted by Jane. "How will we play games?" She asked. "Don't know." Ricky said, laughing. "Oh my God, she wasn't asking you." Noel told him. "We will make something up." Mischa said. Everyone was obviously on edge, but they had been on edge all day. They walked out of the room, going back to meet with Karnak. "Hello, everyone. What do you want to do?" He said in his robotic kind of voice. "We are going to play games!" Constance smiled at him. "Okay, can i come with you then?" Karnak asked. He really liked to get to know all of them, to get to know them as people. "Yeah!" Ocean smiled. When they talked to Karnak, Ocean usually hoped that other people wouldn't talk because most of them didn't really understand what could offend him. He smiled and they went over to the main room by Karnak's box. "We should do one of those dumb like multi-people yoga poses things." Noel laughed. "Stop do you guys remember when we used to do those at sleepovers?" Ocean started laughing. "I used to always take videos, those are somewhere on Constance's phone. I wonder if anyone looked at those?" Ricky asked, remembering how left out he used to feel at those dumb choir sleepovers. "I hope no one looked at my phone?" Constance said, laughing. "I hope you deleted those, Constance." Mischa told her. He was embarrassed that anyone would see dumb videos of him. "What are yoga poses?" Jane asked. "They are like, dumb poses. Basically you just do something like trying to balance on someone's shoulders. Something dumb like that." Mischa said, laughing thinking of the old videos of him and the group. "We should try that." Jane said, smiling. "What are we supposed to do?" Constance asked. "We should try to all stand on eachothers shoulders and see how long it takes for someone to fall down." Noel said. He always had the craziest ideas, but they always were super fun. "Yes!!" Ocean said loudly.

And so they decided to do it. Karnak decided just to watch, he wasn't big on that. But he did think it was funny to watch all of them be who they were. Mischa was on the bottom because he was the tallest. Ricky got on his shoulders, wobbling around. "How will we get someone on my shoulders?" Ricky asked. "We can build a tower out of random stuff." Ocean paused. "Everyone will add something when they go up." Ocean brought over Karnak's box. Mischa was 6'3 while Ricky was 6'2, so the tower was already really really tall. Mischa laughed as Noel struggled to get up onto Ricky's shoulders. When he did, Ricky fell backwards, making everyone fall down. No one was hurt, and they all thought it was really funny. They laughed and laughed for minutes straight. "That's not fair! Us girls didn't even get to go!" Ocean said. "Then do it." Noel laughed, finding it funny to bicker with Ocean. "Ok! Whoever is the tallest, you go on the bottom." Ocean said. Jane was the tallest, somewhere around 5'6. Ocean was 5'2, so it wasn't that hard to get on her shoulders. Noel laughed at ocean as she shakily stood on Jane's shoulders. She told Constance to get on the top of them, so Mischa lifted Constance up onto Karnak's box, which was tall enough to get her up there. She stood on Oceans shoulders for a few seconds before falling down like the previous group. She laughed again as everyone fell. "Well that's not fair, you guys are shorter than us." Mischa said. Mischa was very competitive, similar to Ocean in that aspect. "You'll be okay." Ocean said, smiling because she was better than him.

"I've got to get back to working now, I'll see you all tomorrow morning!" Karnak said, waking back into his 'office' he had a room too, but he spent most of his time in his office. His room was just a couch. The whole group was still in their dresses and outfits from earlier. "Should we go and get changed? And then we can do something else that's fun." Constance said. They all agreed to go and get changed back into their uniforms, splitting up.
Authors note:

This whole chapter is inspired by something I found on Pinterest so don't mind the random theme. Also I really appreciate all of your nice comments! ❤️

Word count: 975!

spinning- a ride the cyclone fan fiction 🩶Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora