Sleep 😴 - Full choir

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Pre-authors note:
They need to sleep they have been awake for like 10 chapters they need to REST 😔
Also, I'll be trying to update twice a day but might only update once a day until Wednesday since I have state testing right now ☺️

Pre-authors note:They need to sleep they have been awake for like 10 chapters they need to REST 😔Also, I'll be trying to update twice a day but might only update once a day until Wednesday since I have state testing right now ☺️HERES THE BEDS FOR...

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Just around 30 minutes later, everyone decided it was time to sleep. It was 4am, and everyone was having a hard time keeping their eyes open. Most of them had dark circles forming right under their eyes. They all met in their room around the same time without even planning it. Constance and Ocean got in there first. That was the latest they had stayed up since they were freshman. Constance dropped right down onto her bottom bunk. "I'm gonna be asleep until like, 10!" Ocean said, rubbing her eyes, climbing up to her bed. Jane and Ricky walked right into the room shortly after, Jane having a hard time walking straight. "Ok, I'm never letting you drink more than 3 shots ever again." Ricky said, laughing at her. Jane shrugged her shoulders and Jumped onto Ricky's bed. She was about to fall asleep, but she waited for Noel and Mischa, who walked in 10 minutes later, kissing. Ocean rolled her eyes. They sat down on Mischa's bed, Noel almost immediately about to fall asleep. "Goodnight guys!" Noel said, smiling. "You too N-" Jan's gagged. "Oh hell no." Ocean said. Ricky grabbed her hand and they ran to the bathroom, luckily it connected to their room. Jane threw up in the trash can for the third time. "I think that was the last time" Jane said, wiping her mouth. "Are you sure?" Ricky asked, rubbing her shoulder. "Yeah, let's go to sleep." Jane said, yawing. She brushed it off like it was nothing, really because she just didn't understand. They walked back into the dark room. "What is happening?" Constance asked. Ocean was covering her ears. Ocean never admitted it, but she had really bad Emetophobia. "It's ok, you can uncover your ears now." Constance told Ocean. Ocean was really scared. She was nervous something would happen again, so she fell asleep with her head under her pillow so she wouldn't hear anything if it happened again. Constance didn't really have much other to do other than fall asleep, which she assumed everyone else would soon as well.  Noel raised his head. "Do you guys want to stay awake all night tomorrow? And maybe stay away from alcohol tomorrow.." Ricky smiled at him. "I think that's the best idea!" He was really excited because he loved doing random things like that. Mischa told Them both, "That would be fun. Hopefully everyone can stay up." He laughed, looking at Constance and Ocean. Noel smiled at him. Usually, Noel just slept in his own bed, but tonight he slept on the bottom with Mischa. Ricky and Jane and Noel and Mischa stayed up, talking to each other. Jane fell asleep almost immediately though, so soon it was just the three boys. Noel and Mischa sat up, but Ricky was glued to the bed because Jane fell asleep hugging his waist, her head buried in his chest again, facing away from Noel and Mischa. Noel laughed. "I dont know how you do it." Mischa said, referencing to the fact he sat there helping Jane with being sick while he could have been having fun. "It was fine." Ricky whispered, smiling. "I'm gonna go to sleep now." Ricky told them. They nodded and Ricky quickly put his head into James hair, oddly smelling like Pantene.

Now, it was just Noel and Mischa. Mischa smiled and Noel, their foreheads touching. Mischa was just slightly taller, around 6'3 1/2. Noel was 6'1. Mischa kissed his forehead. "Do you want to go to sleep too?" Mischa asked. He didn't want to, but he figured maybe Noel did. "Sure." Noel said. They both went to lay down, trying to sleep for 10 minutes. "I can't fall asleep." Noel said, giving up. Mischa, who was almost asleep, told him, "Noel, you are the love of my life, but you kill me. Please go to sleep." Mischa told him. Noel sighed and attempted to fall asleep. For the first time, Mischa fell asleep being held by Noel, instead of him holding Noel. He secretly loved having his head on Noel's heart. He loved to listen to his heart faintly. (It was actually just the clicking in the ceiling of the warehouse.) Noel didn't fall asleep until an hour later, but Mischa almost immediately fell asleep. Noel had his leg over Mischa's leg. He kissed him, finally falling asleep at 5 a.m. he knew he would be tired, but he didn't care. While he fell asleep, he thought,

"I can't believe I'm the love of his life."

Authors note:
Tomorrow I'm going to write 2-3 chapters. I love you guys ❤️ sorry for the lack of blackrose, I'll write more but I know it's not really favored by many people so that's why there is more Mischa and spacedolls, but if anyone rlly wants blackrose I'll incorporate it a bit more. Blackrose isn't a ship I really like, but I just wanted to include them ☺️
Love you all ❤️

Words: 880!

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